Which Handgun and Vest

Tom B

New member
Having just retired from manufacturing maintenance after 35 years and now that money isn't the all important factor I have decided to go into a line of work that I feel I will more enjoy. Being a realist I know I am too old to run, jump over fences and get into brawls I have been interviewing with a national armored truck company in Atlanta (I live in the burbs of same). Today while talking with the Human Resources Manager we discussed firearms and vests. She stated that on the job I could use 38spl, 9mm or 45acp. Revolver or semi-auto. Single action only autos are a no no and GLOCKS are forbidden (there you go Glock haters):p . So unless I go out and buy something new that leaves me with my CZ75B 9mm. Odd that 40cal are not allowed by the way :confused: Anyway what do you guys think? Next question is vests - I know nothing about them or the different levels. This company will pay $100. and I must pay the rest. They will furnish $250.000 life insurance if I am shot and killed while wearing a vest. If I don't its only one years pay in life insurance. Keep in mind this is Georgia in the summer time and I do want to wear a vest at all times while working. So what level and what brand?She asked that I be thinking of that in the next several weeks. Where is the Mall Ninja when I need to ask him these type questions?:D


New member
Any pistol of a known brand will do fine. Choose the one you like the best and that fits your hand the best.

As for vests. I have only used the Safariland Zero-G.
Have worn it at night clubs, even on the dance floor. Sure, its not the same as wearing one out in the sun all day, but I got pretty warm in there moving around.
The important thing is finding a vest that will transport moisture away from your body and that fits realy well.

A level II protection should be sufficient for most calibers. It won't stop a rifle, but for that you need level IV and hard plates.

Also check out the Second Chance vests.
And, as you will wear this garnment every day. Don't hold back that extra $100 between a good vest and a great one.



New member
Vests: Look at Second Chance and Safariland. Don't skimp on this stuff. The higher grade in the same protection level by the same manufacturer gets more comfortable to wear (it's worth it). Get measured and fitted. Make sure the vest has good coverage (your sides). Minimum level you wear needs to stop your weapon. Pick-up a weeks worth of "cool-max" shirts. They help with ventilation/comfort. Depending on the vest you get consider a getting a second carrier (one to wear while the other's in the wash). Those get some serious stench. Just remember to get ALL the pannels back in correctly.

Sidearms: Sounds like a good excuse for a range trip. Get your hands on as many that fit the requirements and see what feels/shoots best for you.


New member
Stick is right about the need for at least one extra carrier, and I think two extra carriers is even better. The Velcro gets shredded pretty quickly if you only have one carrier, and the stench can get bad enough that your partner may make you ride on the back bumper to keep you down wind while working.:eek: ;) :D


They don't let you have a rifle behind the seat even? :barf: Well, I guess I'd feel pretty confident with my Beretta 92FS and some normal capacity mags and a good backup gun. But I'd feel a little naked driving around with big $$$ without even a decent rifle. What if you come under attack by some real pros?
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New member
IMHO, Second Chance vests are best, but they cost the most. Safariland offers good quality for a better price. If I were going to take that job, though, I'd want armor and a video camera permanently attached to the back of my head, because it seems like every time I read about armored car robberies, someone on the inside, or formerly on the inside, is involved in some way.


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That sucks @@@@.
Kinda like the unprovoked, unneccessary negative/agressive attitude that's been popping up a lot on these threads lately.

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If it was me, I would go with a Second Chance or Saffariland vest and my Smith and Wesson Mountain Revolver in .45 long Colt, backed up by my J frame chief. If the big N frame was too much to tote, I would think about toting my Beretta Vertec.


New member
Check out www.galls.com

You will want one of their catalogs...they will explain the different vests, and their ariel density. Second Chance is the best, by far. The Ultima series is the best. Try to get a level III, but if you can't, a level II is good. Nothing less, II is better than IIA.

If you can get a Level II in Second Chance Ultima, I would get that over level III in Safariland, Paca, or Point Blank. Because if you have the Ultima, which is generally considered the most comfortable, you are more likely to wear it. And it doesn't matter if you have a Level III vest with a Level IV plate, if you don't wear it, its useless :)


New member
Your CZ will be fine. Any other quality 9MM auto will be fine also.

I'll also vote for the Safariland Zero-G vest. They're comfortable, and reasonably priced. Second Chance vests are excellent as well.

Call your local police department and ask to speak to one of their purchasing people. They may be willing to "piggy-back" your vest on one of their departmental orders, saving you a couple of hundred dollars. If not, they can at least tell you what their officers wear, and where they buy them. Whatever the local officers wear is probably best for the local climatatic conditions.


New member
I walk in your shoes!

Tom, after reading your thread I just had to reply. I recently took an early retirement after 31 years with the phone company. I just got tired of the same job after all those years. Now I work for an armored company in PA. It's a fairly physical job handling large amounts of coin and alot of in and out of the vehicle so be prepaired.
I always carried a 1911 stlye gun but like you said that's a no-no. My decision was to get a H&K USP pistol. I didn't have alot of time so I got a fullsize 9mm but am now considering getting another USP this time a compact .45 just my preference.
My company issues Safariland vests no charge you just have to return it if you leave the company. I'm not that much in love with mine, too heavy. Like most guys said the Second Chance are the way to go. I may invest in one myself when I can get the money saved. The really good ones by that I mean lightweight, comfortable, and ballistic wise cost around $1000. Well worth it in my opinion. Good luck, ShooterJD


New member

Congrats on the potential job. I wish I could get out of this CUBE and do something like that.

I have no opinions on the vest, but I just thought I'd leave this
In case you hadn't noticed it. I don't know this person, I just thought it might be a unique situation that could help you save an additional $100 - $150 on your vest.

As far as the firearm, I would personally be more than happy to trust my life on the job with the same pistol I trust to defend myself at home... In my case, it's an HK USP45, but in your case, sounds like it's a CZ... I wouldn't hesitate to carry a CZ75 with 15+1 rounds of Golden Sabre +P's.

Good luck!


New member
HK USP or Sig-Sauer P220 in .45 ACP and a Second Chance vest. You will be about as well protected as you will ever be.