which gun to use??

old fart

New member
i posted this in another area, i think i should have done it here, i'm new so bare with me, i'll get it right one of these days. i recently got a good deal from my gun shop, i traded my charters for rugers. i have a sp101 3 inch stainless, and a gp100 4 inch blue, my question is which should i carry and which to keep at home? i will be carrying on farm, hikes, and carrying open here in kentucky, the other gun will stay at home in case someone there needs it. i would also like to know what ammo would be best, for 4 legged, and two legged varmints. thanks for any help.


New member
See which one you can conceal the easiest being sure you can access it with minimal effort, then take it to the range and shoot, shoot, shoot . Practice will make you confident enough to trust your safety with it.

Myself, I like my SP101 very well. The smaller weapons just conceal easier for me so I am more likely to have it on me.

Best to you sir!


New member
I would leave the one at home that is best suited to the one that will be using it there. It does not sound like you are concerned with concealed carry so that should not matter.


Because the GP100 is bigger (less recoil), and the more likely you'll use it while carrying.

I'd think the GP, although the SP101 would be a little easier.

Ammo, any good .357 HP. I'd go to Walmart and get some Remington 125g SJHP. There pretty hot. Other than that there are lot's of choice's.

Corbon DPX is another excellent choice.