Which Custom?


New member
I've got two of Gunsite's conversions and couldn't be more pleased....they shoot and function like a charm....

I'm just curious about what you'd do if you had (let's make this easy) up to $2500.00 to spend on one 1911....you don't have to spend it all...but you can have that much

What pistol would you pick? A Baer, Wilson, Ed Brown, Heinie, Cylinder and Slide...etc...
and why?

Just curious

John Forsyth

New member
How about a Nowlin or just call a few members of the Pistolsmith guild and see what they can make you. And I do not think you can get a Heinie for $2500. And by the way, Heinie is in the guild. And my Bilby's are NOT for sale.

deputy tom

New member
I would have to get a Heinie Springfield Compact just like the one featured in an old issue of Combat Handguns Magazine.The one in question was a re-do of a previously botched job according to the article.I really like the looks of that particular pistol and from the good reports I've read on Heinies work I've made this choice.No disrespect meant to the other fine Gunsmiths.tom.


New member
heine if i didn't have to wait forever, ed brown for instant gratification...but since i live in CA and neither gun is on our approved list... maybe a jardine


New member
Burns Custom Pistol "Grey Ghost" .45ACP.

Of course I'd have to kick in the additional $200 and wait a coupla years.


New member
custom 1911

I would pick a Heinie, and I think that says it all, there is no reason needed. I think one of his full house customs would be a gift from god. I would like a whole hand full of others but his is on the top I would say right next to Vickers.


New member
I'd buy a $800-$1000 Kimber and keep the other $1500 unless you plan on getting in a look-out rather than a shoot-out ( My gun is prettier than yours).


New member
A year ago, I would have said that a baer was the best for the money. I own two and love the guns. However, several months ago, I got a Brown Kobra. Now the Baers see very little action. The fit and finish appears to be a notch or two above the Baers. I would have no hesitation in getting another Brown. Remember, a lot of the custom guns are built with Ed's parts.
