which CMP rifle?


New member
I am going to get the M1 Garand. Is there any reason why another choice might be better for me? I only have two rifles, a 22 and an SKS. I dont hunt.
I want something to learn to shoot three to four hundred yards with. Something cheap to shoot.

My main question is, 'Is the Garand the best value for the price at CMP?"



If you can swing it, get the best Garand you can from them.

Barrel throat wear isn't such a big deal... Barrels can be replaced relatively easily with Garands (and a good M1 gunsmith).

Bolts, triggers and op-rods are getting more scarce though. Buy a good one NOW so that they are less likely to wear out sooner.


New member

All are bargins.
Unless you want to collect firearms buy as nice as you can afforrd.
service is better than field is better than rack. and worth the extra money.
You won't be disappointed.
I would get the Garand and then a carbine then a 1903a3 or a 1917 in that order.


New member
Get the Garand. I think the Service Grade is the best value. I've bought three and they've all been great shooters. The carbine can't do anything at 300-400 yards that your SKS can't do better. Stock up on Greek M-2 ball ammo while you're placing orders. It's as cheap as you're likely to find and it's good stuff. To get it any cheaper, you're going to have to reload.


New member
my question is more, Is the garand the best rifle to buy from CMP or should I consider some of the other guns.



New member
Historically , CMP has sold many more Garands than M1 Carbines. A Service Grade Carbine or Garand from CMP is an unbeatable deal -- but ( budget permiting ) I would suggest getting the Carbine first. The down side is that a Carbine is a 200 yard gun ( best at 100 or less) , but a Garand can be good to go out to 600 ( or more ) in the right hands with a decent optic.

CMP has a large shipment of 30'06 coming in next year and around 175K bayonets as well.
Waiting times have dropped quite a bit during the last couple of months.
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New member
+1 on buying the best that you can afford - especially since you want to learn to shoot longer distances.