Which 7.62x39 AR-15 magazines work?


New member
I thought I would try out the Colt 7.62x39 rifle I have, but don't have any magazines. The rounds don't fit very well in a 5.56mm magazine. What is my best bet for something with high capacity that will work reliably?


New member
A friend of mine went through this a few yars ago. Hi-cap mags for the 7.62 seem to exist only in the minds of sellers at gun shows. He bought a couple, but the looked exactly like 5.56 30 rounders. The seller swore they were 30 round 7.62x39 mags.

If I remember correctly, you can fit about 11 7.62 rounds in a 5.56 30 round mag, so depending on how youlook at it, they could be hi-cap mags. I have no idea if they fed or not, he got sick of the situation, sold the upper and bought a 5.56 upper.

CDNN had 5 round 7.62 mags that look alright. They also have 10 round USA brand mags which should be avioded at all costs.



New member
It seems there are 40 rounders that look like an AK mag welded to an AR mag. Those are the only hope, because 11 rounds is not good enough for something as large as a 30 rounder. I was able to stick in 11 but it did not look right as they were binding.

David Wile

New member
Hey folks,

I just checked my old receipts to make sure about this, so here goes. In January 1996, I purchased a bunch of 30 round magazines for the Colt AR-15 in 7.62X39. They were blue steel and definately did not look like the 30 round magazines for .223 rounds. I purchased them from Eagle Exim Inc., 435 23Rd. St., San Francisco, CA 94107, and they cost about $27 each with S&H included. I have no idea if they are still in business, but their telephone number then was (408) 358-5586. The product code for the magazine was 290-EXC-133, but I have no idea who made them since there is no name on the mags. They look somewhat like USA mags, but I cannot say they are USA made. I can say, however, they are the real thing. They have functioned flawlessly for me since I have had them. While I do not get them filled with dust and dirt as in combat conditions, I can say that I keep them filled to capacity when not in use. They are called 30 round mags, but they really hold thirty-one, and a couple of them actually hold thirty-two rounds for some reason.

While checking my old receipts, I also found some purchases in 1995 of Thermold magazines for my AR-15 in .223 and my Ruger Mini-30. Some of the Thermold mags were the 30/45 colapsable type also. I found all of the Thermold mags to also function flawlessly in these two rifles.

I wish I could tell you more about the mags for the Colt AR-15 in 7.62X39, but none of the mags have any markings on them to indicate their manufacturer. I do still have the receipt for them, but I have already given you all of that info above. If I can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact me via E-Mail. I have heard a lot of bad stuff about mags for the AR in 7.62X39, but my mags have simply not been a problem. I really like AR in the 30 cal, and I am sorry to hear others having problems. My advice is to see if Eagle is still in business, and, if they are, identify the mags I purchased and see if you can get the same kind.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


New member
Suprisingly enough, the USA 7.62X39 mags have a reputation of working.

Take your question over to AR15.com. If there are other options, they can steer you right(I think there were some hybrid AK/AR mags that someone was manufacturing before the Ban).