Which .45?

Which .45?

  • CZ-97B

    Votes: 15 48.4%
  • Ruger KP90

    Votes: 16 51.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Okay, this time the two contenders are the Ruger KP90 and the CZ-97B. (I've decided to put off the 1911 for the time being.) I want to purchase two pistols this summer, a .45 automatic and a .357 Revolver. Both may end up being for carry, should I manage to get my MI CCW this year.



Note: All CZ-97 info is speculative, as I've never handled one, or even seen one.

PROS: Gorgeous, superb fit and finish. CZs in general are excellent pistols. 10+1 capacity.

CONS: It's more pricey. It has a safety I can't use (being a lefty) and CZ, despite being a good company, has no plans (according to an email I received) to make an ambi safety (as they have for the CZ-75) for either the CZ-40 or the CZ-97. I hear it's a huge gun, apparently bigger than a USP-45 or Para P-14 or Glock 21, and I understand it's too big for carry. I don't know how strong the CZ line is; I want a pistol that won't break on +P ammo.

Price: Gander Mountain quoted me $574.99 to order it.

Ruger P90


PROS: I like the safety setup, ambidextrious controls, reputation for absolute reliability. Built like a tank, being designed for 10mm, and can handle +P and even .45 Super loads (the super might be better suited to a heavier recoil spring). It fits my hand well. The local stores HAVE Rugers in stock. Small enough for CCW.

CONS: Single stack magazine leaves me with 7 and 8 round capacity, which is fine, but 10 is such a nice even number. I don't know what kind of customer service and warranty Ruger has.

Price: Gander Mountain had the KP90 for $459.99.

A note on the prices; prices here in Upper Michigan seem to be inflated compared to other parts of the country. And even if (with Michigan's permit-to-purchase system) buying from a private individual out of state is legal, when you add in dealer transfer fees it evens out. Plus, I don't want to buy a gun I've never seen or examined from some guy I've never met. On the other hand, if I could find a dealer willing to order from CZ Connection, they have the 97 for $479.00. Tack a $40.00 transfer fee onto that and you're still looking at $55 less than the Gander Mountain price.)

Basically, I'm asking, is there anything about the CZ-97B that's worth the extra cash I'm going to have to pay for it? (I'll likely do my actual purchasing form a regular gun store rather than Gander Mountain, but GM has the largest handgun selection around here.)
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New member
You know, if I didn't have tuition to pay for and thusly had $700 to spare, a USP45 would be on the list of current options. I don't like the controls of the Sig P220, though. I can't reach the decocker and the slide release, being right above the left side grip panel, bothers my shooting hand.

Oh, and before anyone suggests it, I'd test both to see which one I shot the best first if I could, but since there aren't any ranges that I know of in my area, muchless rental ranges, it's not an option.


New member
hrrmm.. this might not be the answer you're looking for -- but do you definately need to get two handguns this summer?

It seems to me that you're looking at getting two so-sos, rather than one ya really like.. I think in your place I'd forgo either the revolver or the semi, and get, say, that USP you said you were lookin' at. :)

That said -- my first "real" handgun was a P97. pretty darn good gun, especially for the money.. if I was limited to "inexpensive" I'd likely go with the P90. You know if fits ya, the controls are better suited to your hand and grip, and it's a darn study gun. (Not what I'd call "small" for CCW either, but hey.. in Michigan you could likely conceal an M4 half the year, right? ;)


New member
The P90 will do everything you need it to do. If you would happen to need Ruger customer service, they are there for you. The only con that you listed for it, really isn't a con. Has the same capacity as the 1911's.


New member
Your crack about the weather here in Upper Michigan holds more truth than you know; there were very light snow flurries yesterday. Winter generally lasts from November to May here. *sigh* I could conceal a Desert Eagle in a shoulder holster under my winter coat and no one would be the wiser.

See, about the H&K. It's not that I'd be "settling" for either the P90 for the CZ; I like both firearms. While I think H&K is an excellent pistol, I don't particularly like it over any other design, nor do I have my heart set on it. In fact, I think it's one of the ugliest .45s I've ever seen, and I think even the Ruger P90 looks cool. (I dunno, the USP's barrel just looks too short for the size of the grip to me....aesthetics aren't important in a service sidearm, but it does throw the look off.)

I do want to get a .357 Revolver. Fortunately, these aren't expensive, as a rule. A new Ruger GP100 stainless won't cost me more than $450, and that's tops.

Tom B

New member
The CZ97 appears to be a great pistol. I shot Joe Klugs and it was very accurate but it is too big and heavy for carry. By the way where is Joe Klug? I haven't seen any posts from him in a long time!


New member
Well then!

By all means, I'd personally go with the Ruger.
(caveat -- I have virtually no experience with CZ.. by the time I got around to lookin' at 'em, the JMB bug bit... anything else feels creaky to me now by comparison :p)

Personally, I think a comfier grip is a worth losing 2 or 3 rounds for. The way I see it, you're more likely to hit with the first eight if it doesn't feel like you're holding onto a 2x2.


(and you're right.. as nice as CZs may be, the lines of that pistol make the Ruger look like a sleek prima donna.. )


New member
'bout the only thing in this world I'd buy sight unseen is a Honda Accord.

CZ makes a great product. They do have their share of clinkers. I'd really hate to see a young fella like yourself get soured on an entire line over one bad apple.

I handle a lot of different firearms (cars too for that matter) and have noticed a huge variation between the same models in fit, finish and feel. I MIGHT buy a CZ as an order item only because I have the luxury of having a larger gun budget, and I already own one (a 75b),,,

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I voted for the CZ-97B,

even though I much prefer the Sig P220. Probably as a rugged
duty weapon, the Ruger would do as well.

Two thing's that LEO's hold dear in their heart's is: a) their
choice of a duty weapon, and b) their choice of pen and
pencil set. If a poll were taken of each, I'd bet Glock and
Cross would be the winner's.:D :eek: :) So, that would
leave CZ's and Ruger's out completely.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

CZ Gunner

New member
Hummmm ..... I have both ... what's the question?

One is truck gun, one is house gun ...
dependable, reliable, accurate.

:eek: :p :rolleyes:


New member
If you want a decocker get the Ruger, if you don't want one get the CZ. Have you thought about the Ruger p97? It's less expensive than the P90 and a bit thinner also. I have a P97 and I'm hoping to get a P90.


New member
Nightcrawler, I want to caution you against buying something now that you can afford vs. waiting and getting what you really want.

Iwould say if you're getting a gun for the sake of getting a gun you wont be satisfied with it very long. That is almost $8,000 in lost money experience talking. I've kept records of what I paid and sold for every firearm I've ever owned most of them I settled for or "had to have".

I've fired the Ruger and it's a damn fine gun. reliable and all that.

I haven't got any experience with the CZ but I'm sure it's a good gun too.

The Sig is more expensive, yes that's true. So is the 1911 model.

For roughly the same prices you can get a nice used Sig P220 police trade in off the internet or even a S.A. Milspec.


New member
Hey Nightcrawler
I know it's not one of the two, but have you taken a look at the Ruger P97. Plastic so it's light, .45 so it's the right cal, rugged as heck, mine is VERY accurate, eats any load I've fed it and last but not least, very economical - mine was $354. less the $40. rebate. A lot of gun for the price. Too bad the rebates no longer apply. Somethin' to think about FWIW.


New member
I like the Ruger P90 better than the P97, having handled both. And somewhere along the line someone seems to have gotten the impression that I really want a Sig 220. I don't. As I said, the Sig's control layout disagrees with me. As for the 1911, I sort of want a traditional-looking government model type, but not right now. I did a lot of asking around about 1911s and concluded that the only ones in my price range were basic models, for which you'd have to tack on almost a hundred dollars to have an ambi safety installed. More work than I want to put into a firearm at this point.

For those of you that voted for the CZ, I'd be making some sacrifices. For one, I'd have to buy sight unseen. For another, the unusable saftey. For a third, the piece is apparently too big for carry. That's a lot to give up; what am I getting in return that's worth that?

How does the CZ really compare in mass and bulk to other double stack .45s? Is it really that much bigger than a Para P14, a USP-45, or a Glock 21? If so, why is it so big?
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New member
If you want a CCW and you're going to get two pistols anyway, I'd get the CZ-97 now and something smaller like a Khar P9 later.

If you just want one compromise piece, I don't think you could go wrong with a Ruger .45

I've got a CZ-75 and it's a big pistol. The CZ-97 is even bigger. Big is an advantage for a home defense and target pistol, but not for CCW.


New member
CZ-97 +P Rated?

Is the CZ-97 as strong as the Ruger? I mean, can it take the +P ammo without damaging the metal parts? (I realize that a steady diet of such ammo will wear out the springs and small parts sooner, but I want a gun that won't BREAK under the increased pressure).


New member
I have a Ruger KP-90, and I like it a lot. No one in my immediate area stocks the CZ's.
Reasons I bought the KP-90:
SS matte finish uppers with alloy frame, decent 3-dot sights, and it goes BANG! everytime I mash the trigger, no matter what I feed it. I think the prices may have gone up a bit, mine was $420 last October. Plus, when i need to clean it, I can drop the mag and have it in seperate pieces/parts in less than 45 seconds, no tools required.

Good luck and good shooting.

P.S. The only "extra" I added to my KP-90 was a set of Hogue monogrips, about $17.


New member
The Ruger is a tank. Not good for concealed in TX, but in Michigan, why not?

It does not break, it shoots well, and it is very easy take down and work on.

Love it.

CZ seems overpriced, but I hear good things.

I love my Springfield though......v-10