Which .17 HMR in single or bolt to buy


New member
Probably been this route before, but appreciate the feedback. Looking to buy a .17 HMR for the fun of it. What is a good gun, medium price range, for the bucks that shoots or can be made to shoot in a single, bolt repeater or single bolt?? Again, appreciate the feedback.


New member
I saw a nice Savage with a target barrel at Bi-Mart a while back for $169, NIB to.

Never even shot a .17 though so.. don't soley take my word for it ;)


New member
check out the marlin 917 at wally world. about $170, it has a bull barrel which is free floated, and is more accurate than i am. :)


New member
Texfar...I can only attest to the Savage stainless heavy barrel...it was around 200$..put a cheapo Simmons 6x24 on it..and it will literally shoot dimes at 100yds...and will shoot well out to 200,maybe longer....I use a harris bi-pod,from a bench to hit the dimes,but it is the most accurate gun I've ever owned..and cost less than any new rifle I've ever bought,by a long shot.

I understand,from looking around the forums on the net..that you can't go wrong with most any of the .17hmrs...its just an inherently accurate little round.

.BUT..if you're going to shoot small animals..and shoot it alot...you may be happier with the new hmr2...as the rounds cost about half what the original HMR rounds cost..and is about as accurate at 100yds.


New member
I'm very pleased with my Marlin 917. I can hit marbles at 100 yards. I take a tongue and groove board and rest the marbles in the groove. One by one I shoot them like in a carnavle shooting galary!
My son has the same rifle and shoots better than me. He can put 3 to 5 rounds in the same hole. With no wind of course! For what it's worth, we both broke the barrells in first.
As for the HMR and the HMR2, I could be wrong, but I think the Savage HMR2 comes with a 10 round mag, as opposed to the original HMR with 5 round mag? Not really certain but thought I read something on it?

Raymond Losli

New member
You might mean the ....HMR and the M2
HMR / .22 Mag. necked down & M2 / .22 L, necked down to .17 rimfire.
the M2 .17 maybe a little more accurate being it's the only one that will take an Eley .17. Along with all other rimfire brands.
I hear that Eley puts the OAL just a tad longer. chambers closer to the bore.
All other .17 rimfire rounds. All being made by the same manufacture in Idaho. Eley is independent.
Just what I hear.
I do have a upper end .17 HMR but my buddy has a .17 Mach 2. in a Savage. It shoots Premo. Even though the HRM is a harder puncher.


New member
Texfar,Raymond is correct,in that the hmr is a .22 magnum necked down to .17....and the "2" is a long rifle necked down to .17...I know the hmr can be bought in semi-auto,but have heard no reports on accuracy....great I would imagine,according to all other hmr reports I've ever heard....there's seldom an argument about accuracy...just whether or not the little round tears up a small animal too badly.


New member
Thanks for the input guys. Lots of stuff to look at now that I know where to look. Am off to a gun shop or Wally-World to see them first hand. Again thanks for taking the time to assist.

Raymond Losli

New member
does the .17 , tear up to much.....

Yes, It flat-ass guts a ground squirrel @ anything under 100 yards. / messy.
to fast for crow sometimes / but did get one Coyote, once last year with my .17 hmr.
crawled up about 120/130 yards / head shot. (only rifle i had in the truck)
the 1st and only time I will do that again.


New member
The CZ is a little more expensive, but is still a lot of gun for the money. You should at least look at one before you decide.

The good thing about shooting a coyote in the head with a .17 HMR at 130 yards is that unless it's windy you can almost always make the shot good. That's about as far as I'd want to do it, although some will say it's good out to 175 yards.

Raymond Losli

New member
That CZ .17 is a nice one. Every time I pass one I will admire one. The Savage and CZ = same accuracy but that CZ got that Old School, Solid Style.
also:...I hit that coyote in the head and he went down but was spazing-out doing the fish shake.
I did not like that. I wish I was using my .223. It would have been fast and cold.

I was pretty lucky one time to catch a rabbit across a plowed dry dirt field.
I Laser it @ about 203/5 yrds. So I started to check out ballistic curve by shooting one by one off a bench.
I could see every round strike/puff hit the dry dust. You are LOBBING them big-time.
Anything after about 150 yrds in a .17hrm is a miniature Mortar Round / No energy.


New member
Gun show here in San Antonio this weekend. Will see what is on offer NIB from the dealers and check out as many of them as I can find.


New member
17HRM and Mach2 rifle rounds and target photos

Just for comparison sake. L-R, (Win Supreme 22mag 34gr JHP) (Hornday Varmint Express 17HRM, 17gr V-Max bullet) (Hornday 17Mach2 17gr. V-Max bullit. I have the Savage 9317R-F in 17HRM, and the Savage MK-II FV in 17Mach2. The factory trigger pull was not at all acceptable. Both now have the Rifle Basix sear replacement part and great trigger pull weights(approx 12oz). For my needs and interest the Savage 17 is the way to go. Its very easy on the pocket and as accurate a rifle as I have ever shot. The 17HRM shoots a five shot group in a inch or less and thats with my old eyes behind the scope. The 17Mach2 only has twenty rounds through it and that was with the factory sear piece still in it. It shot less than a one inch 5 shot group with four touching and one flyer(my fault)with rounds 16 through 20 at 35 yards. See guns and the target below, top is the 17HRM bottom is the 17Mach2. I will shoot the Mach2 at 50 and 75 yards next.




New member
I have a Savage. Cost about $200 out the door.

Its a bolt with a five round magazine. I put a Simmons scope on it with an adjustable objective.

The accuracy is simply spectacular. Its the thing that has the .17HMR so popular right now IMNSHO.

Raymond Losli

New member
I am just going to come out and say this... GLK & Coltdriver
My friend has the same. A .17 M2 / Savage. I have .17 HRM in the, Anschutz.
Between the Ansz. & the Savage .17 M2 the only difference I seein Accuracy @ 100 yrds. is, Nothing -Zero ... Except the Big difference in cost-$$$. the Savage Mach 2 is best buy for your money.
there is a big difference when you. Pull the Trigger, Caress and fondle the craftsmanship & styling of
the Anshchutz over a Savage 17....( this statement is feeble attempt to save face on my manhood @ the range)