Wheres all the .223 gone?


New member
I'm having a hard time finding .223 online in the past week. Seems like either prices are too high, or their out of stock :( I'm not looking for anything real expensive and high quality, just some decent range ammo for my Olympic Arms AR. She seems to like lighter weight bullets btw.
Even my local gun store only has cheapo chinese .223. So i had to go to GI Joes to buy a bulk pack and thats all they had, no wolf, no remmington, no nothing. The guy at the sporting goods store tried to tell me that the US Military is buying up all the .223 wolf.... I dont think so....
But anyway, you guys know who has good prices on .223 online right now? I tried cheaperthandirt, sportmansguide, doubletap, ammo man.... cant seem to find any deals


New member
we are in a long-term raw material shortage phase right now. Protracted war and all. ammunition prices are going u p with every order. the factories are still turning out a good bit of .223 but the political successes of the leftists have got every body hoarding. It will be a lot worse if it looks like a the 'crats are about to win the presidency too.


New member

Why will ammo dry up more when the dem's win office? I guess i just cant put two and two together...
I mean, wouldnt there be more ammo since they're gonna have the military pull out of Iraq?


New member
When their anti-gun bills are moving, it picks up considerably. In the early 70s, the consumer products safety commission studied banning handgun ammunition and people bought up all the primers. There was another primer run during the clinton presidency and all the flap over the brady and awb.
Compounding it right now are allocations of metal for military production. The ammunition manufactures divert their raw materials to fill the major civilian market demands. during the last bird season, the distributors ran out of a lot of varieties of .22 rimfire ammunition, and components took a back seat with a lot of rifle cases unavailable. A lot of primers disappeared from the midway catalog though cci has kept up a good supply. A few months ago, you could order 500 bulk packs of Hornady 55 grain .223 bullets. Now they are marked " Out of stock, no back order"

Dealers and distributors tell me they are selling monumental amounts of .223 and .308 ammunition and this began when it became obvious that the democrats were going to sweep the senate/congressional election.
hoard and reload is the answer !;)

a few years ago i started to hoard .223 ammo, bought two 1,000 rnd cases every month then bought 20,000 bullets, 20,000 primers and what my wife called, "a ton of powder" ;) my stored ammo is in a bunker till needed and i use the reloads for general plinking and targets


New member
It seems to be the right thing to do. I got into AR/.223 because I could get a fair supply of low cost ball. still can though the shortages are starting to be felt. I get good use from the ball and then reload the cases one time with soft points to keep on hand for any hunting that might occur. It keeps me from wasting the brass and is a pretty economical way to get good ammunition.


New member
The prudent, thoughtful gunner started stocking up on ammo during the AWB , and when that sunsetted, stocked up on magazines. It is all but too late to find good pricing on ammo now.
It will get worse, and soon. One of the DhimmiCrat plans is to ban the importation of all ammo, not just milsurp. All it will take is a first day in office pen stroke for the DhimmiCrat President.


New member
Lets hope it aint Mitch whatshis face. the guy from Massachusets. THats just what we freaking need, and God forbid Hillary. Its not so cool thatthey have all sorts of crazy laws in Mass (IE no reloading ) but I get personnaly offended when they start trying to pass their Ideas on to other states. I am far safer In my home state with my EBR than Without it. That should apply to every one. I think the Dems problem is they want to inflict their will upon us and try to show us "whos the boss" . I dont care how much of a flaming idiot the Republican Presidential nominee is, Im voting for him , as long as he leaves guns alone. I hope the Majority does the same. I submit a new law- FREE AMMO FOR ALL!! 1000 ROUND MAX PER SHOOTER PER DAY!


New member
Thanks for the links, i forgot all about midway. I ended up odering 2000 rounds, .223, .38 special, 9mm and .40s&w

That canned heat looks pretty good too, but that'll have to wait until pay day.

Its really a shame about the liberals. I'm from california, so i understand stupid gun laws, and how well they work(not very)
The problem with me is that I have multiple criteria for voting, Gun rights are pretty high up, but so is little government involvment our lives, right to privacy, justice, the budget, the war, social programs, corruption...etc

I'm pretty sure we just need a libertarian president for once


New member
.223 Ammo

As soon as someone gets any .223 in, it is gone again. They need to call a cease-fire for a while over in Iraq so we get stocked up here! :( I wish I owned stock in Wolf!


New member
Hehe, I was just going to ask the OP if he was aware we're currently at war. :p

The government is snatching up all the available .223/5.56mm ammo. I've read reports that even Wolf has a contract for training ammo now (I haven't confirmed this myself though).

We'll have high ammo prices until things wind down with the War on Terror. Once that happens, expect to see dirty cheap ammo prices again, more so than pre-war... the government will start dumping the excess ammo and all the manufacturers will start dumping their surpluses too.


New member
Sportsmans Guide has Wolf .223 FMJ 55 headed in due mid to end May. I have 500 rounds on back order. They had it for $85.00 and $95.00 for 500 rounds. They usually have the $10.00 off coupon on orders over $100.00 also. Northwest-tactical.com has Wolf including shipping for $220.00 per 1000 also. They are nice people to deal with over there.


New member
Sportsmans Guide has Wolf .223 FMJ 55 headed in due mid to end May. I have 500 rounds on back order. They had it for $85.00 and $95.00 for 500 rounds. They usually have the $10.00 off coupon on orders over $100.00 also. Northwest-tactical.com has Wolf including shipping for $220.00 per 1000 also. They are nice people to deal with over there.
Just a few years ago I would buy Wolf .223 for $120 a case and run it through my M16 in a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon.

Ahh, the good old days...


New member
About 2 years ago began stock piling both ammo and silver. I could go to the coin shop and purchase a 10 oz. bar of silver for $65. then go to Wally-Mart and get 3 boxes of 9mm this would kill a $100 bill.

Today that same purchase is $140 for the bar of silver and $45 for the ammo.

I also purchased several thousand rounds of Wolf 223 and tucked them back, won't go into the .22's and the rest of it...inflation gentlemen and it's gonna get a whole heck of a lot worse.

Right now have been stockpiling food. Get it from Honeyville, can get dehydrated stuff pretty reasonable...get it now while it is available...food prices this year are going through the roof!

Wife and I put a garden in the back yard, purchased a dehydrator, have begun vacum packing fresh fruits/veggies. Purchased 12 cases of dehydrated eggs, ($65 per case). Each case is equal to 1,000 eggs, has a 10 year shelf life...My one son, drives a truck for a fish company, so we are canning fish...the freezer is full...I can forsee food being the next items to become scarce!


New member
Wife and I put a garden in the back yard, purchased a dehydrator, have begun vacum packing fresh fruits/veggies. Purchased 12 cases of dehydrated eggs, ($65 per case). Each case is equal to 1,000 eggs, has a 10 year shelf life...My one son, drives a truck for a fish company, so we are canning fish...the freezer is full...I can forsee food being the next items to become scarce!
Yeah, I don't see a massive food shortage coming in our life time. You could be right, but we could also get killed by an asteroid I suppose. Survivalists have been saying this same thing since I was a kid in the early 80's and not one of their predictions came to pass.

Anyway, if I get hungry I'll take my rifle and go spend $.40 on a good cartridge take one of the countless deer off my property.