Where to go to discuss 2nd Amendment issues?


New member
With Legal and Political closed, where is one to go to share concerns and discuss 2A issues? I think I speak for many participants to this forum that such issues are a major reason for going to this website in the first place.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Tell you what ... I'll make a deal with all of you because I really hate to see discussion of the Second Amendment quashed for the sins of a few ideological miscreants in the L&P forum.

Until Staff decides what to do with L&P, the General Discussion Forum will host legitimate firearms related discussions that touch on and deal with the fate of the Second Amendment.

Now here's the deal, if you can hold to it: Legal, not Political. At the first two-way exchange about the General Election, or first obvious punt for a candidate, Staff will step in and deal harshly with that post.

If that's not clear, ask now and let's get this deal straight.

Make no mistake, this is not a stealth opening of L&P. Staff judgement on what is political is final. Thread or posts will be closed or deleted based on Staff opinion and judgement and will depend on Staff impartiality and sense of fairness.

So, how can you debate the Second in the absence of the other Nine? You may not be able to do that, but you can leave candidates positions, mention of their names, platforms and parties out of the discussion. That includes any post that invites the same in reply. There is a spirit of compliance we're looking for here. A list of do's and don't's just won't cover all the possibilities.

Let's see if this works.