Where to go from here? What's happening? Will we win?


New member
I have some questions for those whose ears may be closer to the ground than mine. What will be the aftermath of MMM?

The MMM actually said something true - most people support stricter gun control. We are a minority.

Do the majority care enough to crush us?

Will the second amendment come into this?

They claimed Orrin Hatch is screwing up the Juvenile Injustice bill deliberately because he says it violates the second amendment further. Is this true?

What's the current feel in the Congress/Senate? Obviously, the dems smell blood - but how are the republicans leaning, more pro-gun or more anti? Are they hearing the "grassroots" of the soccer moms, or their pro-second constitutients? Has the MMM mobilized more gunowners or more antis?



New member
Not sure about anybody else, but to answer your question of where to go from here: Texas is looking pretty good about now.
(Gawd I hate snakes and spiders though! LOL!)

*sigh* In all honesty, I see real trouble ahead. I am really sick of the buzz term gun violence. Like in get rid of the guns and the violence will disappear. Bubble land. The bubble people marched with bubble headed dreams, off to bubble land. Their bubble is going to burst, and I wnat no part of the soap sting to the eyes that it's going to bring.


New member
simonov jr,
I tend to agree with you.
This time there will be no need for a sequel...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...


New member
From a more realistic viewpoint, how exactly do you gentlemen think we will win?

We have almost every media outlet against us. We have hundreds of big corporations donating against us. We have the federal and state governments spending our own money against us. We have the gubmint schools teaching the majority of kids against us. We have ONLY 3.5 million members of the NRA and ONLY about 240,000 members in the GOA (out of 70 million gun owners?!)- against us. We have millions of gun owners still using the adage "why do you need on of those guns for? against us.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm busting my butt to fight this, every day, but it just seems that there is some misguided confidence that we're suddenly going to kick some a$$. In case you're not up on current events, we're getting out butts kicked, and good.
Not once in my 35 year lifetime have I seen the return of a lost right. So let's sum up the wins and losses:

Them - 1079, 0
US - 0, 1079

So how is it that we're going to win...?


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!

Bob Locke

New member
So how is it that we're going to win...?

Remember, the reason they want to disarm us is we have the guns.

Maybe a new tactic is needed. How about a contest to come up with a suitable slogan for our movement? Something along the lines of "Don't try to take away my rights, and I won't shoot you", or something along those lines.


New member
Bob, that's the point of my post - an attempt to catalyst a new tactic.

Clearly the passive vote, NRA, write letters concept is not working. I think it is time for something more.

What more exactly? I don't know.

Remember the thread about "Window Wars"...


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!

Jack 99

New member
Not much will happen until after the November election.

God help us if the Pinkos take the White House and/or the House or Senate.