Where to find a nice, cheap Enfield in .308?????


New member

+1 on SOG

I bought one from Aim back when they had them, mostly because I was told they were in better shape than the SOG ones. I paid $179 for mine and it is a good shooter.


A fellow at the range got one from SOG and it is in the same "GOOD" condition as my AIM one, and he paid $169 for it.


New member


The rifle I got from AIM is dead on when I take my time. See the bullseyes.

I like practicing the "mad minute" though, to see how many aimed rounds I can get off in 60 seconds.

How the Brits got off 30 rounds of aimed fire with stripper clips is a mystery to me?

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
fin, try rolling the bolt between your thumb and forefinger to work the action and firing with your middle finger. Keep your thumb and forefinger stiff, like your making a "gun" with them.

Harder to explain than do... :rolleyes:

I have not done so, but understand that's how it's done.