Where to buy an SKS trigger group?


New member
I am having a difficult time finding SKS trigger groups for sale online. I've checked Google and a few places I usually visit, but it seems this is a rare item.

If anyone knows of a good SKS parts shop online, please pass the web address along. Thanks.


are you wanting a spare or a replacement? You might be able to trade yours in or get it repaired by an SKS trigger guru. I have a spare that I was able to repair. It was thrown in with a rifle I bought for free since the safety was broken.


New member
are you wanting a spare or a replacement? You might be able to trade yours in or get it repaired by an SKS trigger guru. I have a spare that I was able to repair. It was thrown in with a rifle I bought for free since the safety was broken.

A spare. Actually, I want to build a second rifle. I have an sks wooden stock, a factory 10 rd magazine and a gas tube. All I need are a trigger group, bolt and carrier and a barrel/action assembly.


It sounds like you need to find a entire rifle with a beat up stock that is missing a mag. The parts you need most aren't commonly available(barrel, reciever)


New member
ISC, actually, I have just found everything I need including the trigger. Not as economical as I had hoped, but I don't want the parts I have to go to waste. And yes, these SKS parts are not readily available.

dglockster, thanks for the link to sksman.com.. they do have the trigger.


you'd be better off buying a complete gun and selling any extra parts. If you were to order a new Chevy part by part from a dealer it would cost you $100K and you'd still have to assemble it. Its a similar idea.

Add to that the fact that not all parts are 100$ compatible. for instance, a threaded barrel won't install in a commercial Norinco.

A trigger group would cost about $50, more probably after shipping. If you buy a yugo sks with a heavily corroded gas system you can get the entire gun for maybe $100. Sell off the extra parts and keep whaterver spares you want.


New member
Thanks for the links. Looks like the only difficult part to find is the receiver to fit a paratrooper barrel. Maybe I will do as you suggest ISC, and try to find a beater SKS with parts that I need. The paratrooper barrel I ordered is coming tomorrow.