Where the hell is all the H4350?


New member
I ordered 8# of the stuff over 3 months ago and it still hasn't arrived. This is the powder I use the most so I figured I'd buy several years worth. I started checking around for another 1# can to "tide me over" because the 1# can I had is so low I've had to weigh it and calculate how many cartridges I can produce to get the rifle (30-06) dialed in for moose season, plus 3 for the hunt plus 3 just in case extras. Luckily, my rifle was durn near dialed in for this load but sheesh, I shouldn't have to be dividing ounces into grains. What's the deal? Is everybody buying up everything because of Obamaparanoia? Don't get me wrong, I know he's anti-gun, but man, this is frustrating!


New member
Just curious - why would you think your pet powder would be any less susceptible to the mass buying phenomenon than any other powder? Plenty of powders are scarce to nearly impossible to find right now.


New member
Maybe it's in DC? Like common sense and integrity, lots of things get lost there, so... maybe?

"Plenty of powders are scarce to nearly impossible to find right now."

And primers. And bullets. And cases. For months. And few of us would even guess where anything may be on a day to day basis. Even if we knew a large load of components hit southern Atlanta yesterday it would likely be all gone tomorrow, and that's too far away for most of us to go anyway.

So, most of us wait for the supply lines to saturate the panic. It will.
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New member
You're probably going to have to diversify, as much as you hate the thought of doing it. I used to only use Power Pistol for my 10mm loads, but worried about just this kind of situation, and loaded up on Blue Dot, Longshot, and 800x, with a smattering of #9 and 2400.

Same for the rifles. I have a 7mm mag, I don't use it much but love RL22 in it. Still, I bought some 760 and H4350 (sorry) just in case.

For my .308 I was only using 748, but can use the 760 and H4350 for it, and am slowly stocking up on Varget. I couldn't find any of the above powders for it last weekend, so bought some BL-C(2) - essentially it's just 748 [+-] in another label.

For now, stick with your H4350 for the killing stuff, and find another powder or two or three, and just use those for practice. Poeple are hoarding stuff - hell, I'm hoarding stuff too a little bit. It's going to be tough like this at least until the mid-term elections, maybe longer if those go poorly.

Only good news is 65 Dems sent a letter to Obama a few months back saying they would not support any new AWB. It can't get through the senate either, too many pro-gun dems there.

NRA did a good job of stacking the House and Senate with pro-gunners from both sides of the aisle. His majesty can still hurt us through "His" executive orders, however, but not like he could by passing pro-sheep anti-gun bills.

You must diversify.

Good luck.



New member
Just curious - why would you think your pet powder would be any less susceptible to the mass buying phenomenon than any other powder?
I don't think it is less susceptible, I think it is a little more so in these parts. Both of the stores that carry reloading supplies sell out of that particular powder faster than any other.

You must diversify.
I know, I have a couple other partial cans of other stuff that my rifle likes o.k., I'll use those for field position practice etc.