Where should a man invest his money?

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New member
I am soliciting several opinions of those I feel best represent solid America. My son, the silly Airborne Ranger, has a dilemma of sorts. Now I advised him. But he wants a second opinion.

Do you spend your money on a new assault rifle or a new boob job for your wife?

Now remember, he has to live with her. But she may flake out after he hits the 10 year mark and can take him for half his retired pay. So this is no easy answer. But a man has to do what a man has to do. And these are troubling times.

So spout off. And for those who care, she is an A or B cup, I am not sure. But in terms I can reckon with, she has a pair of .22 shorts and wants .38 specials.

I'm leaning towards the weaponry. Tell me where I am going wrong.


New member
WHat!? OK I will bite. IMO he should spend his money for a good rifle while he still can, things may change and make it harder to get very soon. Cosmetic surgery has no chance of going away. IMO if she is working, she should spend her money on personal enhancements that in a practical sense do not materially benefit both people in the relationship. That is in a practical sense mind you. He may enjoy the results but those won't put meat on the table, in any legal fashion. At least the rifle can be recreational, they can both shoot it, and it can protect the home and put meat on the table, in a pinch. And there is a resale value to the rifle, the money for the enhancements is spent and that is it. No resale....umm... well all I can say is that it is great for us to have an opinion but he is his own man and has to figure it out for himself, although you can offer advice but not demand anything. In any case we want you to come back and post pictures , we enjoy looking at either one.


New member
Don't know how much he intends to spend either way, but if its two grand for either a rifle or the boob job, get the rifle. Breast augmentation requires upwards of $8,000 for a good surgeon. A lot of factors to consider(if she's had kids, is thin, etc). You could spend less, but they prob. won't look real. Tell 'im to add to his collection.


New member
There's nothing "borderline" about it. It's misogynistic, and creepy on more levels than I care to count.


New member
It's probably an attempt at humor. Hard to recognize on the Internet without smiley faces.

As far as counting creepiness levels, whenever the subject of breasts comes up, I have a hard time counting higher than two... :)


New member
Its questions like these that I turn to the immortal words of Conan's father...

"...For no one, no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts...This you can trust.

Now obviously he was talking swords here, but you get the idea...:p
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