Where is the 7.62X39???


New member
Got this e-mail today.

Dear J&G Customer,

Many of you have been wondering about the shortages of 7.62x39 this Winter. What we have been told is that several military contracts in Russia had to be filled and had priority over commercial sales, so exports to the USA were cut back. We have been receiving Wolf 7.62x39 ammo on a regular basis but we have been shipping it all out on backorders as soon as it comes in. Supposedly exports of ammo will be returning to normal size shortly.

I hope the Russians are going to use this ammo on a big offensive on terrorists.


New member

So who's stocking up

I have about 2800 rounds of 7.62x39. But more important, I want to know where the h*ll my CZ-52 is. They have been on backorder at J&G since September. Where else can I get one at a decent price.:mad:


New member
Darn terrorist gobbling up all the 7.62x39 ammo!!! :D Good thing I have about 800 round of metal core Chinese made batch that I've been holding since the late 90s. I also have 500 pcs of brass/bullets ready to reload just in case. LOL! Stuff I stocked up since the Y2K scare. josh


New member
You can get 7.62 and .223 all day long at Rajo's Guns in Evansville, IN. Just bought 500 rnds of 7.62 for $70 and they had another 10,000 on the shelves. This is the only place i know of to get it here. All other shops in town can not get it or .223.


I've 'heard' that we were restocking the 'new iraqi army' cuz what good is training their army unless we give them new bullets too! (they prob have enough ak's for their extended family though)...but that's just gun show talk so...


New member
I think Iran may need it in the next few months, Just guessing though.Better get to handloading. measure powder verry accuratley. Takes a awhile i know.