Where is he shopping?


New member
“He thought he would need to use the firearms and explosives at some unspecified date in the future.”

Fool thinks terminator is really gonna happen.


New member
How do you have that much hardware and not pay the bill for the storage unit? Does he have several of these across the country or something? Maybe this was one of his smaller ones so he wasn't too worried about it.


New member
I'm one of the crazy ones that thinks it should be perfectly legal for any law abiding citizen to be able to walk into a store and pick up all these items.


New member
If you are going to violate the law and stockpile this stuff then you should remember to pay the bill.

Why couldn't I buy that storage lot in an auction? Not that I would keep any of it. But it would make for a cool story.


New member
Yeah, like drug dealers getting pulled over for speeding and failing to stop at a stop sign, then end up getting busted with whatever they're moving.
I didn't know that people who stock up on weapons and ammunition are now crazy. I must be crazy to because if I had the money and connections (and permits) I would have what this guy had too. I hope a terminator like future is not in store. This guy is probably buying into the speculation of an insuing internal division of our nation that countries like Russia are predicting will happen shortly. I will wager, however, that this guy is dealing these arms in some form or fashion.


New member
The next Terminator?

Ya, if you buy into his craziness about stocking up for some unspecified date in the future. He lived in Spokane and the stash was in Bellevue. That's like 500 miles away. From one side of the state to the other.

Spokane borders Idaho and Bellevue is next to Seattle.

Even if you wanted how the heck do you get this stuff? Don't tell me.... too tempting :)

That's no fun to have all this stuff - can't go out and shoot any of it. Okay, maybe once and then you'll get arrested.

This story reminds me of another story from Texas. Another guy didn't pay his storage and they found his ex. like years later. For those that have storage - gives you pause to think what your neighbors are storing. Wow!