Where is best place to put a green laser on an AR15 carbine?


New member
Am I overthinking this? I know it should be close to the bore axis as possible--but is it possible to avoid any deviation from POA all the way to target?


New member
I ended up mounting it just forward of the optic when I did the same, basically because I wanted to reach it but also wanted the underside of the guard clear for resting (use no fragile objects where I might rest the rifle).


New member
I have a few red / grn. Just as a matter of convenience, mine are underneath and up front. Along with mW, I have found the biggest concern is the amount of adjustment they have. They can differ. I have found both Crimson Trace and Laser Max to be gtg. I do have a TLR-8 combo mounted on the right on my 15-22. It's probably accounted for 30-40 armadillos and skunks over the past 18 months or so.

Metal god

New member
What's the purpose of the laser ? I'd think it would be for pretty close ranges that you want to shoot from the hip kind of thing like home defense ??? If your talking at ranges of 30 feet or less ( in home ranges ) I don't think it would matter where you mount it . If you want to use it for much longer ranges I'd think the top or bottom of the rail . This would make it no different then using an optic and there POA to POI shifts based on distance shooting .


New member
There will always be some POA/POI shifts at various distances, since bullets drop in a parabolic arc and the laser does not start in-line with the bore. You get to decide if the shifts are vertical, horizontal, or both.


New member
Mine are zeroed at 25 meters and dead on. I've often used them on the 15-22 and another on a 10-22 with great accuracy against armadillos and skunks at night. Most of them have been approx 30-40 meters out requiring only a tiny adjustment (poa) on the elevation side. Used one on an AR a couple of times at approx 15-20 meters dead on. Waay to loud in the middle of the night thus the .22s being the weapons of choice.

Have one on a pistol zeroed at 10 meters. From 0 - 10. it too is dead on.


New member
Thanks guys--This is for home defense but could include some distance, as our home backs up against a prairie and forested area.


New member
Just keep in mind during hours of good daylight, regardless of red/grn, visibility is limited when you have little to no time to be "looking" for the dot. Low-light / darkness; good to go.