Where have the guns gone ?


New member
Lot of people complaining about no ammo at Wal-mart? I went to three gun shops yesterday and of all three I seen two used revolvers:eek: Now that is:confused::mad:. The one I go to a lot has normally 20 to 30 used revolvers they were the one with the two the other two had none. Have to say one shop I had never been to before so have no idea what was normal????


New member
Guns are 'disappearing' form the shelves just as ammo has. Buyers are snapping up AR's and handguns in particular and they are in short supply in many stores and also at the on-line gun sites. Went to a gun show over the weekend and there were significantly fewer vendors with a much smaller selection of guns for sale than previous shows I've attended.

The availability of hunting guns - shot guns and rifles - does not seem to be effected.

Store personnel I've talked to tend to 'blame' the shortage on fears of new gun legislation with the new congress and administration.
How many of you know someone who bought their first gun in the last 6 months or are looking desperately for a gun at the moment? I know of 4.
Good for @a, but bad for availability.


New member
I just had a buddy get his first handgun and his Ohio CCW. He isn't a gun guy, but he said he wanted to help make a statement to the current admin.

He's had the gun for at least a month now and hasn't shot it or even CCW'd. At this point, I'm not convinced he'll do either but I'll give him credit for doing both.


New member
One thing I've actually enjoyed about the current buying frenzy is that some of the local shops I stop by are now stocking different guns than they normally would. Where there used to be a solid line of Glocks (or insert generic black plastic pistol of choice) down the counter, now there are several different brands.......oh, and revolvers! Since everyone is buying up the high-cap auto's, more and more wheelguns are showing up. Personally, I'm loving it. I get tired of seeing the same pistols sitting there every time I stop by; now it seems like there's a completely new group of guns each time!

I'm continually amazed at the reports of Wal-Marts having no ammo. All of the WM's I've been to over the past couple months have been well stocked in pistol ammo.......:confused: I've actually started buying ammo from them, since they seem to always have plenty of FMJ sitting around. I stopped by Bass Pro Shops after the Hampton, VA gunshow this weekend, and their handgun ammo was pretty well wiped of the major calibers. Luckily that's not what I was shopping for, so it didn't effect me :).


My local gun store has a great supply of pistols and rifles. Rifles include a good selection of EBR's, although there is rapid turn over on those, and hunting guns. Oh the selection includes both new and used in both pistols and rifles.

Ammunition doesn't seem to be a problem there either other than some of the Wolf 7.62x39 is gone from the shelf and they don't know when or if they will get more.


New member
I just wish I had ONE gun store to go to. I buy all of mine through a local FFL who works out of his home. This is a very anti-gun area, and the last store that sold handguns closed about 6 months ago.

So, essentially all of mine are mail-order from a variety of suppliers. I drool at the thought of all those used guns you guys get to look at. I went on a vacation in 2007 to visit my Grandpa. He took me to three gun stores, with all kinds of used ones. It was amazing to me.

Just be happy that you had three gun stores to visit at all. You can buy NEW ones in a store? Wow.

My local stores still have tons of guns. In fact, I kind of wish they didn't in a way. It would keep my bank account in better shape.
The rest of the guns that you can't find are in my safe. :D


New member
The 5 shops plus Bass pro I have visited over the last couple weeks, have the ammo and the guns. The 7.62x39 is hit and miss. Here in Southern Indiana, My problem is there are to many people in the stores shopping. I have seen so many buying, it reinforces the thought of people being nervous of things to come.

While visiting the Bass pro, i went to the ammo section. I thought I was at the grocery store getting milk and bread before a major storm. You could not get into the isle. I seen what I wanted and had a fellar had me a couple boxes, because I couldn't get close enough.



New member
During the last AWB rush I did not see any new buyers, ust existing gun owners upping supplies and arms.

This time around I cannot believe how many new buyers are coming forth to get their first firearm, and they are usually for serious defense: .357, pistols, shotguns and AR15s.

Most of it is AWB concerns, but it seems a good percentage is just concerned about civil violence due to the economy and the outlandish expectations built up by Dear Leader.

And I think a lot of us that topped off arms and ammo before the election are now out there getting that bolt action we've been eying, or good deals on revolvers.

Remarkable voting with the pocketbook. Too bad that did not tanslate into votes in Nov.


New member
Two of the local gunshops I visit are doing the best business they have ever seen but all firearms, ammo, reloading component stocks are down. We even have a new local gunshop opening up soon which is really rare here. Cabelas is about a 45 min. drive from here, and their components are low but ammo is there as well as firearms selection. I personally know two friends who bought firearms recently and never expressed an interest before. Plus myself and others who bought new guns within the past few months as "election specials".