Where do you buy your AK mags?


New member
I'm looking at getting into a 7.62x39 AK, and trying to plan out the total cost of ownership. Where do you buy your magazines, and how much do you pay? I'm interested in 20 and 30 rounders, steel or plastic. Any thoughts on he American made (Tapco or Pro-mag) versus the commie surplus stuff?


New member
Get commie surplus. Stay away from US made mags. Just shop around and find the best price.

Well used ones are OK if you don't need pretty. It takes a lot to wear out an AKM mag.

For 20 rounders, you can't beat Hungarian 'tanker' mags. Those are my favorite AK mags of all time.

If you do want pretty, buy new Bulgarian Circle 10 factory Poly Waffle mags (do not accept US made substitutes).

Oh yea, some Yugoslavian mags have a bolt hold open follower. Don't buy those. It only holds it open while the empty mag is in the gun. As soon as you remove it, the bolt slams closed anyway.

Here's some links in no particular order to get you started:








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New member
Gun shows, same price as pumpshot15, The last show I was at in INDY last month there were several people selling 3, 30 round with a Russan carry case for 25$. One guy had hundreds of those.


New member
I have a few dozen ChiCom mags and I love the dozen or so Bulgarian Polymer Circle 10 mags that I purchased from K-Var during their sales.


New member
Bulgarian Polymer Circle 10 mags that I purchased from K-Var during their sales.
Yep, that's when you need to get them, or off the various forums classifieds sections. They are normally kinda pricey, but deals pop up now and then if you keep your eye out.

Bart Noir

New member
Oh yea, some Yugoslavian mags have a bolt hold open follower. Don't buy those.

In fact, if you already have some of those, you should send them to me. I'll 6, maybe 7 bucks for each.

Bart Noir
Who thinks any military rifle that doesn't lock back on empty, is seriously flawed.


New member
What do you guys think of the K-VAR mags with Bulgarian body and US made base plate/follower as compared to the normal all Bulgarian mags?


New member
What do you guys think of the K-VAR mags with Bulgarian body and US made base plate/follower as compared to the normal all Bulgarian mags?
Need two more US parts?

The base plate will have no effect on functionality. The follower will.

I have no experience with these, but what you need to do is warm up the search engines and find out who made the follower and whether they faithfully reproduced the original in shape, fit and material quality.

K-var/Arsenal do generally make quality parts and their US compliance parts are among the best available. Mostly at least as good as the Russian and Bulgarian parts they emulate.

How can one distinguish the famed "Circle ten" magazines from the other Bulgarian waffles?
They have a 10 in a circle marked on them. That's the factory code.
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New member
+1 for Copes. They have used com bloc 30 roounders starting at $9.99, LNIB chinese 30 round mags for 12.99 and hungarian 20 rounders for ~$15. Plus some of the BEST customer service around!