Where CAN'T I shoot my AR in California?


New member
I have jumped through all of the hoops. I have registered my Bushmaster here in California. I carry all of my documentation in a zip-lock bag in the stock.

I seem to remember talk about restricting where you can legally shoot "Assault Weapons"- even legally registered and owned ones- in California.

Any information?

Is it true that previously legal shooting areas are now off limits to AW's unless a special permission zone is approved?

I would hate to go out to the local shooting spot only to find that the Placer County Sheriff's department is just waiting to nail guys like me.

Gary H

New member
I am not the last word on this. I previously read a list of approved uses for these rifles. It seems that it is OK to shoot at a rifle range, which is run as a business for that purpose and at organized shooting events. My impression was that you can shoot at an established, monitored range, but can't use the guns anywhere else.


New member
I found the answer, and it does not look good. What government agency is going to go out of it's way to approve the use of assault weapons on "their" land.

Use Restrictions of Registered Assault Weapons

Penal Code section 12285 states that a person who has registered an assault weapon may possess it only under any of the following conditions unless a permit allowing additional uses is first obtained under Section 12286:

(1) At that person's residence, place of business, or other property owned by that person, or on property owned by another with the owner's express permission.

(2) While on the premises of a target range of a public or private club or organization organized for the purpose of practicing shooting at targets.

(3) While on a target range that holds a regulatory or business license for the purpose of practicing shooting at that target range.

(4) While on the premises of a shooting club which is licensed pursuant to the Fish and Game Code.

(5) While attending any exhibition, display, or educational project which is about firearms and which is sponsored by, conducted under the auspices of, or approved by a law enforcement agency or a nationally or state recognized entity that fosters proficiency in, or promotes education about, firearms.

(6) While on publicly owned land if the possession and use of a firearm described in Section 12276 or 12276.1 is specifically permitted by the managing agency of the land.

(7) While transporting the assault weapon between any of the places mentioned above, or to any licensed gun dealer, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 12290, for servicing or repair pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 12290, if the assault weapon is transported as required by Section 12026.1.