Where can I get primers!!??

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New member
Looking for large pistol primers.No gun stores in Nashville have them, and every site seems to be out, and will not let you backorder. Sheese!!

Any ideas?


New member
Gunbroker will run you about $70 a brick, but that is the best I can do and I have been looking for 2 months. We're just waiting it out.


New member
IF you're not in a hurry, just get on the back order list on one of the on line distributors that is taking back orders. I know Cabela's is, and I believe Graf and sons.

Wait it out if you can. You may have to "bite the bullet" and pay the gougers. If you have to go that way, make it a BARE MINIMUM for what you need.

I'm hoping the bubble bursts and these hoarders flood the market with cheap rounds to serve their penance. :mad:


New member
If you were local Id set you up with some...trade or whatever fair price....I'd swap primers for 30 cal bullets, etc

Im sitting out the gouge also, not paying crazy prices. Luckily the 2 decent shops around me are not going that route, if they did I'd not shop there for anything again.


New member
I'm not sure the backorder lists are going to do much good for a while. I have now been on Graf's backorder list for 6 weeks and have not seen anything ship; either they do not have the stock or the stock they have is going to big dealers first. Anyway, I expect that if I wait another 6 months I'll see something, but it does put a damper on my ability to shoot....
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