Where can I find paper targets with pictures of bankers on them?

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New member
I would love to shoot at the real thing, but just like shooting at paper targets
with pictures of Osama on them, I would like to shoot at paper targets with
pictures of people who don't know the first thing about their business (i.e.
manage risk and not lend to people who will not pay back the money)


I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the stock market!!! :mad:


New member
There was a thread a while back similar to this and I was thoroughly chastised for even mentioning using pictures of real people as targets. I mentioned that I thought Nancy Pelosi would make a good target and almost had the Secret Service called on me so you better watch out with suggesting it. :D


New member
i want targets off people buying loans they obviously will never pay off after obama wanted to make loans "fair so all people have a chance" my roth ira went form 5000 to 4100 in a month
I want pictures of people buying relatives cards on their no limit American Express cards right before they declare bankruptcy.

The federal government forced banks make bad loans in order to qualify for lending from the FDIC.


New member
Perhaps you need some anger management training....singling out bankers does a dis-service to other groups that have tried just as hard to make America's "most despised" list....
...shyster lawyers
...corrupt politicians
...car dealers in plaid sports jackets
...investment counselors
...lenient judges
...lying news media
...voter fraud organizers
...weather man....(only on bad weather days)
...mail man (when they deliver bills)
...people who let their dogs poop in your yard


New member
You can get a robber with a knife or a gun. What's the difference---'cept the baker'll get more of 'yer money.:cool:
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