Where can I buy .41 Rimfire Ammo


New member
.41 Short?
.41 Long?
.41 Swiss?

Any of the above really wont matter. All of them are obsolete cartridges.

Unless you can find an obscure source producing limited runs, you are out of luck. Most collectors that have the ammunition sell it for several dollars per cartridge.

Here is one online example of the prices you'll have to pay unless you find modern source: http://www.ammo-one.com/RimfireCartridge3.html

This guy claims to have some available..... http://slickaz.tripod.com/ammo1.htm

If you have a weapon chambered in anything more obscure than these, you'll likely never find the ammunition.


New member
I had a box of that once. Got it to go with the Remington derringer I had. Never did try it though. I think the ammo sold with the gun. Only Navy Arms ammo I have now is a box of the 32 rimfire stuff. Got it to try in a 19th century pistol but did not get up the nerve to test it. Those guns are really just good for display use. I suppose if you made a presentation case it would be good to have the ammo to display in the case with the gun.


New member
This ammo is for a buddy of mine that wants it for his Remington Derringer.
He'd be happy with 10 or 20 rounds, as you say, more for display than anything else.


New member
Check out Dixie Gun Works...

they used to have a brass case that acceptted .22 short blanks, that were insertted into the adapter and then filled with blackpowder the a bullet.

that's the best I can do.


New member
Well in that case there might be old original rounds around for sale. Probably loose, a box of them would be very expensive. Cartridge collectors might have some and be willing to sell maybe half a dozen loose ones for display purposes. They were made well into the 20th century as I think the derringers were for sale up to the 30's. So I suspect factor ammo was made after that for them. I see ads in the SGN and the like for cartridges for sale/buying from cart. collectors. Check that out or maybe google cartridge collection or something like that.


New member
www.oldammo.com has some listed. Go down to the rimfire category and click. Go down his list to .41 short cartridges. Old originals look like they sell for 2$ apiece and suprisingly the Navy Arms sell for 1.50 apiece. Probably is about typical unless you get lucky and find some at a flea market or gun show.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I don't recommend firing those Remington double derringers because of the fragile hinge. I believe most of the hinges are cracked not from firing but because someone flipped them open, but no use taking chances. If it ain't broke, don't break it!
