Where are the Taurus Spectrums??


New member
These guys were supposed to be out in March but I don't see them for sale anywhere online. I would like to get one of these colorful little dudes. Keep your Taurus hating comments to yourself, I've heard it all. I'm not asking for your Opinion of the company, I'm asking about info on the product.

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New member
Taurus has a bad habit of putting out vaporware. They'll often announce a new gun coming X, and it actually comes out 6-12 months later. A little less often, they'll announce a great new gun, and it never actually makes it to market. Hopefully, if you want one, you'll see one soon.


New member
I've been wondering the same thing. I think they look like a pretty slick option, and I'm looking forward to handling, perhaps purchasing one. As for when, that is up in the air - hopefully before the end of summer.


New member
I'd like to see one. Their last 380 pistol was a pretty capable little gadget. I have yet to find a 380 that doesn't make me want to hold my nose except for Glock, but the 42 is large enough that I would just step up to the 43. The ergonomics of the Spectrum look good and if the trigger is good, they may have a winner. If it ever comes out for sale!!!


New member
I actually liked my TCP, but when Ruger brought out the LCP II with the single action like trigger, I now pocket carry it every day. It has been 100% since I got it. I just would like to pick up that Garnet and black Spectrum

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