When your not carrying your CCW, how tough is your security around it???


New member
When guard dogs arent enough,.....I use "Black Bear Security"

OBTW....the gun is not loaded, I am not stupid enough to let a bear handle a loaded gun.
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New member
Two rather large dogs that won't let anyone in when we aren't home. Other than that locked in my desk, on top of the desk when home.


New member
"OBTW....the gun is not loaded, I am not stupid enough to let a bear handle a loaded gun."

Hmm...kinda looks loaded...mag in, hammer back, safety on....looks loaded to me.



New member
Hey, wait just a minute here. Just because you have the right to bear arms doesn't mean that you have the right to arm bears :p


New member
These go everywhere with me.


All others go here.



New member
Just the wife and I, my EDC stays in whatever shorts I was wearing that day, folded and on a closet shelf ... next morning, on go the shorts, complete with Kahr PM9, and I'm ready to face the day ... Theere's a 1911 in my nightstand, no double-duty required ...

By the way, that bear's stuffed!! Nice try, tho ... :D