When You Wished You Could Have Been There To Help


New member
Sunday night two of my best friends were stringing up Christmas lights on their house when two young men held them up at gunpoint and then alsmost sexually assaulted them. I don't know what kind of luck it was that they ran off when they did, but my friends are safe if not severely shaken. I only wish that I would have been inside the house when it happened with my SigPro. Maybe now I can convince these two friends to take some self defense classes and to buy a gun as well. Any suggestions on what I can do to help them out?


New member
Maybe now I can convince these two friends to take some self defense classes and to buy a gun as well. Any suggestions on what I can do to help them out?

I think there is very little you can do to encourage them to take a more realistic mindset regarding personal security. By now you should know whether they want to take an active part in their defense, or they are outraged that the gun laws are so weak they could be robbed like that.

You wish you could have been there with your SigPro? And what would you have done? I don't know of many people who wish they were on the receiving end of two armed stick-up guys. Think about it. Having a gun would not necessarily have changed anything since apparently the event was a surprise to the victims. Quite likely, you would have been surprised as well. Were you going to draw on two armed guys who already had their guns out and pointed at you?

4V50 Gary has it right. They needed an early warning system like a dog.


New member
I think there is very little you can do to encourage them to take a more realistic mindset regarding personal security. By now you should know whether they want to take an active part in their defense, or they are outraged that the gun laws are so weak they could be robbed like that.

Ditto. They either get it, or they don't. If this doesn't serve as a wake-up call for them, no offense man, but get new friends as these two need to be, and will be, cleansed from the gene pool.

Once bitten, shame on the BG, twice bitten, shame on them. (IF they live through the second time!!!)

Ditto also the dog.


New member
I wish that I could have been there to help out...when I wrote the thread I was hopping mad about what had happened. I doubt that I would have tried to been a hero, but its something that makes me feel safer and I know I can handle my gun better than most criminals. I really hope that I never am in a situation like that because the last thing I want to get involved in is an armed confrontation with criminals. And they do have a dog, but they were outside in front of the house and the dog was in the backyard.