When will Ruger have new finishes for the SR1911?


New member
I want a Ruger SR1911 badly, but I have never been a fan of SS on a 1911. SO, when will Ruger have new finishes on their SRs? I want a blue or parkerized one.
Dunno. Not a Stainless 1911 fan myself. But I thought it was prudent to own one anyway. If you're willing to pay over and above, have you considered buying one and having it parked/blued?


New member
I thought about having the SR blued, however, I could just buy a real Colt with the amount of money it would cost to buy the SR and have it blued. I saw that Talo had its version of the SR with a blue slide. Perhaps Ruger will introduce a blue SR soon... At least, I hope they will.


New member
It will come out when they catch up with demand for the current version as a 200th year commemorative in 2111.


You cannot "blue" stainless steel. It can be blackened or "painted" but that is not "blue". Calling a blackened stainless finish "blued" is like calling a magazine a "clip". As far as I can tell the Ruger is all stainless.


New member
As soon as supply exceeds demand...and that has not yet happened, or, best as I can tell, is even close to happening.