When to use an oversized cylinder stop?


New member
One of my S&W revolvers is going to need a new cylinder stop before too long.
This is a DAO Model 10. There's a bit too much play, in lock-up, in a few of the cylinder notches, and some of these are beginning to show signs of peening above the contact face of the notch.

Would an oversized stop help to inhibit peening? (e.g. like Power Custom's wide stop)

Do you typically use a heavier spring w/ a tighter stop?

Is an oversized stop a liability for rapid DA shooting, or reliability generally?

James K

Member In Memoriam
The peening is caused by the cylinder hitting the cylinder stop, and that will happen regardless of the thickness of the stop. In fact, a thicker cylinder stop may cause the cylinder to "skip", and the edge of the notch would take even more of a beating. The peening can be tapped back using a light hammer, but the only real "solution" is to stop doing rapid fire DA. (The real DA "artists" usually have sponsors (like S&W) so wearing out guns is not a problem; they just have them rebuilt or get a new one.)

FWIW, S&W used to set a hard piece of steel into a slot in the cylinder at the edge of the notch, but they discontinued that almost a century ago because of the cost and because they started to heat treat the cylinders. I have heard that some company is doing that work, but can't recall who.
