When to replace a 1911 with a Glock?


New member
Some might say Blasphemy! Never! I kinda think the same thing too, but I've got reasons for this insanity:
I need a dedicated nightstand pistol to be kept in one of those Gunvault box things.
I'm house poor and baby broke already, the 1911 will fund the Glock 21. (insulting isnt it)
I want a light rail, no-can-do with this 1911.
More capacity, 13+1 is much better than 7+1.
My particular 1911 has a very light trigger, I don’t want to point it around my house or even at an unarmed intruder as it is. Its great for the range, but I don’t want that trigger in my nightstand pistol.
Theres nothing at all wrong with the Para, only a few hiccups over the years, they've become rare nowadays, I expect no hiccups whatsoever from the G21.

I like the feel of that 1911 and how it shoots, I don’t like the idea of not having one around.


New member

I have two nightstand guns at the moment; a G22 (G21 held that spot for a long, long time...) and a Springer TRP so I certainly like both but I understand your reasoning for going to the Glock. The 21 is a fantastic HD choice...

Here's a full review of mine:


New member
I would highly recommend renting a glock before you sell a 1911 to pay for one. a vast majority of 1911 shooters have trouble with glocks because of the horrible ergos and feel of the trigger. I do not care much for the 1911s trigger but I would take one over a glock any day of the week and twice on sundays. I've shot Sigs, glocks, M&Ps, XDs, M9s, Kahrs, Rugers and 1911s, I would rank all of the glocks near the bottom along with M9s for ergos. even though I despise the triggers on them you may look into a Smith and Wesson M&P45 or better yet, a springfield XD45. both are equally reliable as the glocks, cheaper than glocks, and feel better in hand to a greater range of shooters than glocks.


New member
I like 1911s but I don't buy into the hype, I would totally own one but mostly just to say that I do. Glock, they fit my hand like a glove and 13+1 is appealing. I know that Para makes some double stack 1911s but thats when you get into the price of two glocks for one 1911.


New member
If youre thinking about it, its probably time.

I was a life long 1911 nut up until about 12 years ago. Ive owned more 1911's than any other handgun, and probably more than all the others combined. At that point, I got tired of constantly fiddling and dealing with poor copies and even Colt (the only 1911 I ever trusted to carry), was going in directions I didnt like. I at first went to SIG, which was a big improvement, but soon got a little costly, and then about 4-5 years ago, back to Glock. I havent regretted the move on bit. 28 box stock guns since (17 SIG's & 11 Glocks) , and not one failure out of the box, that wasnt intentionally induced. The only SIG I did have trouble with, a P238, isnt in the above count. Its also another 1911 "copy" that was trouble.

As far as the ergonomic comment, Im not sure where thats coming from, other than from lack of true experience with both. The usual 1911 owner complaint about the grip angle quickly goes away with a little familiarization, and once you have some time in with the Glocks, you realize its a non issue. You can switch back and forth easily, without issue. Not sure what else there is to worry about on the Glocks, they really dont have any "controls" to worry about. Just point and bang. :)

Ive always though capacity was a good thing. Pistols are poor stoppers as it is, so why not have as much on board ammo as reasonably possible?

Ill even suggest you take it one step further, and go with 9mm over the .45. The 17's are such soft shooters, and so easy to shoot well quickly with, I think youll quickly be won over. Ammo is cheap, and since the difference in effectiveness between most of the common calibers these days is basically nil, might as well go for the smaller gun with even higher capacity.


New member
I've always liked 1911s, and often carried them, but lately I carry either a Walther PPQ or PPS, depending on the weather (hotter weather = thinner cover garments = PPS). Both are in 9mm.

It's hard to argue with simplicity, reliability, capacity, and portability. (Although the PPQ did require some break-in, and it prefers 124gr standard to hot ammo.)

But I still like 1911s.


New member
Your reasoning is sound for your circumstances, Dashunde; sounds like you've settled on the Glock. Take a look at the 21SF, if you don't have large hands.


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It's just a gun!! If you want something different, sell it and buy something different, maybe even a different caliber. If you're use to a 1911, you might want to consider a gun with a thumb safety.


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I've been a die hard Glock man for over 20 yrs and won't ever give up my G21.
Out of curiosity, and possibly a little boredom, I recently bought a used RIA 1911. I've never had much trigger time with one and out of respect for a 100 yr old design, I wanted to check one out without breaking the bank. After a few hundred rounds I must admit I am becoming a fan as the feel and accuracy are very good. To be honest I am saving to buy a higher quality 1911 to add to the collection.
Would I trade my G21(or my G36) for a 1911?



New member
I would highly recommend renting a glock before you sell a 1911 to pay for one. a vast majority of 1911 shooters have trouble with glocks because of the horrible ergos and feel of the trigger.

Yes. You can't miss fast enough to keep yourself alive.

Mag capacity means jack, if you can't put the rounds where they need to go. That's nothing against Glock, but the fact of the matter is that some pistols just fit a shooter's hand worse or better than others, and that affects trigger pull, which is one of the largest influences on a shooter's accuracy.

I'd also say shoot the Glock first. The G21 has a pretty fat grip. I've yet to handle one of the 21SFs, they may be better. I have what I would think to be average sized hands, and I have trouble with some of the .45 double stacks out there. Case in point: I have a H&K USP45 that is dead-nuts accurate, if I shoot from a rest. If I shoot offhand, the groups get pretty big unless I really concentrate on everything I am doing. Great pistol, I love almost everything about it, but I shoot circles around it with a 1911. It just doesn't fit my hands as well.

Try before you buy/trade, if at all possible.



New member
I drank the Kool Aid years ago. Traded off a Colt Series 70 Lightweight for a Glock 36. Although the Glock is long gone, I've still got this bitter taste in my mouth. I'll always remember what my wife said when she saw what I had gotten for the trade. "You traded your pretty gun for that." I cringe every time I think about it.


New member
both are fading designs. a lot of glock fans are reading the writing on the wall these days. the fact of the matter is that theres a lot of other polymer guns that do it better now and the M&Ps are starting to sell like hotcakes due to innovation alone. Im thinking about trading my clock 17 in for a new M&P myself. The 1911 on the other hand is seriously behind nowadays. not that either glocks or 1911s are bad guns they are just old proven designs that people refuse to give up for some reason. I think its just kind of a novelty thing because everybody kind of hopes to own that old 1911 45 including me.


New member
both are fading designs. a lot of glock fans are reading the writing on the wall these days. the fact of the matter is that theres a lot of other polymer guns that do it better now and the M&Ps are starting to sell like hotcakes due to innovation alone. Im thinking about trading my clock 17 in for a new M&P myself. The 1911 on the other hand is seriously behind nowadays.

Man, talk about kool aide! LOL!

But I digress.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford what ever guns I want now. That has not always been the case so I understand your position. So if I want to add another pistol to the stable I do so. - With the exception of a 375 H&H double rifle, but that it another thread - So make what ever compromise you want now.

The Glock is a fine weapon. I can think of other guns that are much worse. :rolleyes: The 1911's still handle the work required of them. Get what you want, just remember that swapping the Glock now will make replacing the 1911 later much more expensive.

I have Glocks, 1911s, revolvers and a ton of other stuff. Just a little patience and you can get your Glock and keep the 1911. - That is my recommendation. But as you can see from above, everyone has an opinion.