When the dust settles which polymer pistol will dethrone Glock?


New member
Their is a mad rush on for manufacturers to push out polymer pistols. Some have been surprising flops e.g. SigPro and some have been surprising successes e.g. XD. No doubt the Glock success story has shown that these pistols are viable. Who will emerge the market leader over the next five years.

So far none match the Glock's simplicity of design and operations. But their is a large traditional pistol following aka Colt 1911, BHP and CZ who have contributed to the USPs rapid growth, esp. the variant 1. THe HK P2000 also looks like a winner (especially those with the LEM trigger). Walther has a strong contender in the P99, and a compact version could take the market by storm.. Well what do you think?


New member
For the HK to contend with Glock, they are going to have to lower the price a bit. The same with Walther's P99. In my humble oponion, these are the two closest to matching Glock for quality. I own Glocks, and I wouldn't mind owning an HK or a P99, but I just can't bring myself to spend an extra 300.00 dollars to get essentially the same type of gun. If the prices become more competative, you will see Glock loose some customers to the competition.
If anyone knows... Why is it that the P99's and the USP's cost 800.00, and the Glocks are only 500.00? I know there are some interesting features on the other guns that Glock doesn't have, but 300.00 dollars worth? I just don't see it.


New member
Eviltravis is on to it. HK could, if they wanted to, lower the price of the USP drastically. But they don't seem to care much about U.S. civilian and LEO sales for whatever reason.

The USP is a compellingly good pistol with a vast array of configurations. If HK just cut the price and offered LE departments the same kind of sweetheart deals Glock offers, they could be a contender.

And FWIW, the above could apply to SIG, too. SIG and HK are Mercedes and BMW competing with Honda. That's fine if that's what you want to be, but it isn't going to win market share.


New member
The glock is an amazing disign and I don't see them really being pushed aside, I do see them loosing serious groung in the ccw market though if they sit on there hands.
They gave us the compact mods. 26,27,30,33 and 36 Now they need to take the next step which I believe Kahr has already done with there MK series, stainless and now polimer and and give us an even more compact design.

I think the Walther design could be a much more formidable compeditor in the ccw market if they come out with compact/ pocket pistol size autos.
BTW..Walther has recently cut there prices to bring them in line with glock pricing, thou the lower prices have not shown up at dealers in my area yet.:confused:


Moderator Emeritus
The manufacturer who can dump decent service grade autos to PD's cheaper than the folks in Austria.

Maybe some unknown gun from a company we've never heard of.

Maybe the folks down in Smyrna will start taking shipments of Glock II: The Sequel.

Or maybe while we're wasting all this time talking about "what's the best ultimate tactical combat pistol?" and "which is better, 9mm or .45? Part MCMXLVII", our philosophical opponents are busy typing petitions and lobbying congressmen so that we won't need to worry about "What's the best pistol?" any more, because we won't be allowed to own any.


Bob Locke

New member
Reality check:

Or maybe while we're wasting all this time talking about "what's the best ultimate tactical combat pistol?" and "which is better, 9mm or .45? Part MCMXLVII", our philosophical opponents are busy typing petitions and lobbying congressmen so that we won't need to worry about "What's the best pistol?" any more, because we won't be allowed to own any.

Each of us needs to be doing everything we can to ensure the election of as many pro-freedom candidates as we can this November at ALL levels of government.


New member

Eviltravis I orderd a P99 for 522.00 the Glock 17 at the gunstore was 503-530 depending on the sights and other options. I have been told by other TFL members that the Walther at gunshows they can be had for even less. This will be my first Ploymer so I will see how it I like it.
Gotta go with Tamara. Glock was first and got their foot in the door. Whether it's the best, well I've seen enough "discussion" about that that I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.;)


New member
I think Glock will remain strong. I don't count Steyr out. I think prior to the current ongoings at Steyr they were very responsive. They have an x.s. model planned for the future-this is a 6x4" single stack 9mm-per Wilhelm Bubbits, and there is talk of the .45 offering. Walther is supposed to come out with a subcompact P99. The one thing I really like about the Glock is its simplicity. HK is almost "anti civilian" not at all like they used to be in the 80's. Whoever is the first to manufacture in the States will dominate-one of 'em should wake up and just do it.


New member
I can tell you this, it sure aint gonna be Taurus. Im a big fan of their revolver and other frame semi's but the polymer line is falling apart as of now. Hopefully they will get their act together. And just to think, I almost bought a PT1145


New member

sox, i heard only a brief mention about steyr, what really is going on? are they no longer manufacturing? i read an article about the M series just a few weeks ago, that was very positive and has piqued my interest in them. does anyone have any exposure to their 9mm or .40? if so, does the design and extra safety features make them significantly superior to glock?


New member
I think if Steyr gets their act together they could be a serious contender and take a big hunk of Glock's marketshare. The fact that they make other weapons is a big plus too when it comes to arming police agencies and the military (I think thats been HKs strategy too ... sell MP5s to SWAT and SAS and maybe they'll buy USPs too).

Also if Taurus can fix the issues with their polymer guns then they are competition for the baby glocks.

As for Glock ever being "dethroned" I don't see it happening ... too many Glock fanatics out there ... but I do think polymer is the way of the future and we'll surely see some serious competition for marketshare.

does anyone have any exposure to their 9mm or .40? if so, does the design and extra safety features make them significantly superior to glock?
I own a Steyr M40 and have fired it side by side with a friend's Glock 23 and frankly the Steyr is superior in every way; trigger, ergonomics, accuracy, reliability, aesthetics. fit & finish

as for the safety extras, I like having a manual safety but the built in trigger lock has only been used when the weapon was shipped to me ... other then that I haven't used it.


New member
Say what you will, but them Glocks just keep selling! You never hear about them actively competing vs. anyone in the industry, they just do :eek:
It'll take alot to dethrone Glock. Interesting to see what innovation will supercede simplicity and value.


New member
So far nothing runs as good or as long as a Glock right out of the box with no modifications. Glocks run into the 300,000 rounds. Even the most expensive 1911's are pretty much finished at 100,000 rounds. Any other handgun, plastic or not, is going to have to beat that reliability record. Besides, Glocks are simple and cheap.
Quite frankly, from what I'm seeing out there right now, I don't think Glock is going to have a lot to worry about for some years, if at all.

Glock has built up a formidable reputation for a good reason, and it's REALLY tough to play catch-up at that point.


New member
Glock will remain the leader for as long as they sell a practical, reliable service pistol for an excellent price. It is certainly not the best IMO, but it is much cheaper than any of its competition so it will remain on top.

In other words, put it this way: if Glock's asking price for a G19 or 23 was $799, would you buy it?


styer m series

i bought a styer M9 on 01/19/02. i feel it is superior to glock. the trigger is far superior, the takedown is easier, you can shoot lead it them, it has more safety features, it points better, it's lockup seems tighter, and the sights are great, once you get used to them.
there are some serious issues, like no current importer (GSI quit importing them due to styer's failure to communicate their plans to them, GSI posted this on their website on 01/21/02) and there are no hi-cap magazines available to non LEO's. if styer gets these porblems solved, look out glock.

BTW i have three glocks and they are great guns. my normal carry gun is a G27 or G22 (sometimes both). i only have one magazine for my styer. if i can get a couple of more magazines the styer will become my primary carry gun.


New member
(GSI quit importing them due to styer's failure to communicate their plans to them, GSI posted this on their website on 01/21/02)
Yeah but according to Steyr they dropped GSI and thats why GSI was no longer being communicated with ;)

I never had any problem with GSI (However I only dealt with them once ... and that was to trade my gift certificate for a magazine) but I've heard several TFLers complain about them.

I think we'll see Steyr return to the US market soon (or at least I hope so).

At any rate I'll be glad to see Glock have to deal with some serious competition ... if nothing else it will make Glock better (and keep them from becoming complacent).

In the end its us (gun nuts) that win if Glock faces stiff competition ... all of us. The Glock fans will get Glocks that have to be good to compete and the non-Glock fans will get well made firearms who have to be good to try to knock Glock off the top.
