When Gun Shops Don't Help

Here in J-ville, Fl, there's a gun shop who's commercials are not helping with the perception of gun owners. It's set up like a 911 call. The operator answers with the usual "What's your emergency" line. The following transcript is a paraphrase since I can't remember it verbatim.

Woman: There's someone in my house and my husband's away. The kids are in the next room.

Operator: We're sending someone out now. They should be there in 60 seconds or less. (This references a local alarm companies response claims)

Woman: Good, cause if they don't get here soon, I'm going to have to blow someone's freaking head off.

The operator says something else about calming down, but is interrupted by a door-breaking noise. The woman says, "You broke into the wrong house this time, Mother--" The rest of the expletive is drowned out in cheesy machine gun sound effects. Of course the name of the gun dealer is Wild West Guns and Gold.:barf:

Worse than the fact that this presents a bad image of the trigger happy gun owner, is that this commercial comes very close to being a great argument for self defense gun-ownership. If the cheese had been kept out of it, I could see many people thinking, "That could really happen. Maybe even to me. Maybe I should go look into getting a gun to protect myself." As it stands, I see many people rolling their eyes and saying, "What a bunch of trigger happy nuts."

It comes from those who should be helping our cause, not hurting it.


New member
Are you serious? That comercial is hilarious! Even the anti-gun man-hating womenists in my business office love that comercial. The mental image of a housewife defending her home and family is a fantastic one, and adding a little comedy makes it acceptabe to all but the most hard line anti-gunners.


Stayed up all night a few years back in Florida ingesting and aimlessly watching Appliance Direct commercials.

WildnowiuseyoutubeAlaska ™


New member
Lol. Sounds hilarious.

I'd say it is so over-the-top (From the sounds of it) to be taken very seriously.


New member
Hahaha, the Appliance Direct guy is a legend around Orlando parts.

Didn't the OP's post happen in real life? Some dude breaks in, wife calls cops, hubby shoots burglar. All recorded on 911 line.


Staff In Memoriam
Having moved from Daytona 3+ years ago I thought I was rid of The Appliance Direct guy and the homely chick in homemade sun dresses... But NOOOOOO they just opened a store in Dothan Al. which is part of our media market...
My OP is really more about the radio commercial. The video in HogDog's link is exactly what I wish the radio one was (though more verbal for the audio, of course). The video spot is great. It's the radio spot that makes me shake my head.