when did you all return?


New member
geeez , been away awhile and what happened my favorite site has come back and no one tells me?? I thought this was an archive?? well to make this legal I have since added to the collection a Browning bda in .380 , and an enfield jungle carbine . its nice to know I have a home again ... Coonan

S&W Junkie

New member
I only just found it again a little while ago myself. Nobody on any of the other sites I visit ever mentioned TFL being back up and running. I hope it's here to stay.


New member
I got an email announcing the site being put back online. That was what...last summer? And, how you didn't see the hundreds of threads about it at THR is well....surprising. ;)

Welcome back though. TFL is like my home away from home when THR goes a bit wacky, which is does quite a bit lately. heh.


New member
Welcome back Coonan357 - still a few old timers trickling in off and on. I was "lost" for a few months myself... :eek:

There were threads about it on THR when it came back up, but not near what I thought there would be. Nor near the returning support. Oh well, not eveyone has the time to be active in both!

I've stuck with TFL - sorta prefer it for one reason or another... :cool:
I was offline myself for quite a while and rediscovered T.F.L. live again recently, I used to go by nascarnhlnra. I am very happy that T.F.L. is back so I can further my firearms knowledge.