When Criminals Need Guns...bloomberg


New member
I found this article in my old hometown newspaper.
I lived in NYC 33 years and I am now in Florida.
There are indications that Mayor Bloomberg has Presidential ambitions. He is a very real threat to the 2nd Amendment. He recently switched his party from Republican to Independent. He used to be a Democrat.
The few dealers that are accused of breaking the law are not representative of the thousands of honest FFL holders. The NYC population has been living under Draconian gun bans for so long they think that this is normal. Bloomberg is looking to export this to the rest of the USA. He will not be happy until we are disarmed; like the subjects in the UK. We need to get active in the political process. Here is the link.



New member
BS he's getting the guns. If he tries he will be labeled a threat to the sovereignty of this country and dealt with as deemed necessary.


New member
don't be so sure.... instead be afraid....

not so much for the lose of your guns but that there will be no one left to defend you when they show up and tell you to get in the boxcar for the 'free' trip to 'camp'.