When choosing your CCW...


New member
how many of us lucked up and got the perfect one from the get-go?

I really don't remember what my first real CCW was. I'm guessing it was a Taurus 85 .38 special snubbie. It's long gone now, though, and was traded in on something else.

I then bought an AMT Back-up .45 (which I still have) but in all honesty, I'm not proficient enough handling that heavy trigger. Throw in an EAA Windicator, AMT Govt. Model, Llama 1911 in .38 Super, various K frame revolvers, a S&W 696 and a Browning BDA...

I'm so used to revolvers or something DA that I don't trust myself to remember flicking off the safety on the 1911s. The Windicator had a heavy trigger and was a heavy gun overall, so it got traded away. The 696 is turning into more of a collector's item now, so it's more of an occasional range gun/safe queen and the BDA is great, but I sometimes get stuck on the caliber wars and think "it's only a .380"

Now, I've also figured out that concealing a large frame gun is almost as easy as a J frame snubbie so my main carry gun in town is a 4 inch K frame and I'll also carry a S&W 40F (.40 cal 15 rounds) when I go to larger more troublesome places (like Atlanta). Both of these, including the BDA have never had a hiccup and are totally reliable. They also all work DA (BDA has a de-cocker) so all I have to do is pull the trigger. All of them have heavy enough trigger pulls that I feel safe carrying them IWB or any other way without the fear of a ND.

How about the rest of you? Did you waste as much $$$ as I probably did trying to find what works for you?


Vitamin G

New member
I'll admit to it. I bought a Bersa .380 and carried it for about 2 months. Did alot more research, and felt uneasy with the .380 in general.
Went out and shot a glock at the local range-rental. Wasn't bad, Manageable, so I picked one up. Wasn't before long that I had the 1911 bug, so I also purchased a Kimber TLE.
Shortly thereafter, the "Holy crap this thing is THICK compared to a 1911!" realization hit me, and i traded the glock 26 in on a colt delta elite (which is a whole 'nother story. Ended up getting the Delta Elite for $100 and the glock. Score!

Now I carry 1911's IWB or a BHP in an alessi bodyguard


New member
I wasnt sure I was "ready" to carry a 1911 right off the bat. I started with a Taurus PT140, and loved it. Still do!

After a year (only a few weeks ago) I decided to get what I had been longing for for a few reasons-Kimber Ultra Carry officers 1911. One poster mentioned the risk of not flicking off the safety on a 1911, my concern was the other way. I was afraid to just yank away at a DA trigger and be putting divots into the ground.


New member
When choosing your CCW... how many of us lucked up and got the perfect one from the get-go?
I did.

Bought one gun (a Glock 26), one holster (a Blade-Tec UCH), and have gone through three leather belts -- all satisfactory initially, but none of which have lasted as long as I'd have liked them to.

I've played with plenty (plenty!) of other guns and holsters since then, but none that have suited me as well as the ones I chose initially. At this point I doubt I'll ever change CCWs, but down the road I might find myself favoring another gun for general range work.


chris in va

New member
I've only been carrying for a year, so still working out the bugs.

Started with the almighty XD because...that's what everybody said to get. Couldn't get used to the trigger and brick shape so I started to demo everything I could find. The CZ spoke to me and I've been lugging the heavy piece of machinery ever since.

Getting the .45 itch though lately.:eek: :D


New member
" When choosing your CCW... how many of us lucked up and got the perfect one from the get-go?"

As far as I know, there isn't any such thing. Many are good, none are perfect. Many are excellent in their roles, but not so good in other roles. It all turns out to be one big compromise.

I happen to like my first (and so far only): my Bersa .380 -- and I'm going to like it that much better if that new CorBon DPX ammo performs as expected. And I might try the Hornady XTP's, they are supposed to actually penetrate, too. But it's just a bit too big for pocket carry, especially for office attire slacks. If I went smaller, like to a Kel-Tec, I'd have a good pocket carry but wouldn't performance and accuracy suffer? It might be that the best of all worlds is to just go back to the old standby: one of several models of .38 spl +p snubby.


New member
Wish I could say I lucked out, but alas, it ain't so.
My first carry piece was a Glock 30 - I like the ballistics of the .45 round, and Glocks were the 'in' polymer gun. After carrying it around for a few months, a buddy of mine let me shoot his 1911 - wow, what a difference! Thinner grip, better trigger, thinner gun. I sold my Glock, and now I carry a 4" 1911 (or a CZ P-01) whenever I can. Later, I picked up a P3AT for pocket carry.


New member
Been carrying for 5 years now and still haven't found that perfect gun yet. I've gone through several that should've been fine, but I've found them all lacking. I'm getting ready to go back to revolver-land with something in a J or K frame.

I do like the little P32 for those days when I can't carry something OWB.

I agree, certain CCWs have their own roles. For a basic, simple, everyday carry I feel a lighter, bobbed snubby fits the bill very well.

If you feel the need to carry more...add on from there and deal with wardrobe/comfort.


New member
My first handgun was never intended to be a CCW so it doesn't count. The first one I bought with the intention of being my carry gun was my Walther PP .32acp. It has served this function well and will probably continue to do so for a very long time. The holster is another issue though. I have still yet to find one that is what I'm really looking for.


New member
Right ONE for CCW. I thought it was the right ONES!! No one CCW is right for all circumstances and dress. It takes a battery of them.


New member
Before I moved to a state where I could legally carry, I walked into my dealer and asked to look at snubbies. He put two on the counter. One was a S&W model 640 no dash in well used condition and the other was S&W 2" Model 10 round butt in very nice shape. I bought both.

For the past year I have carried the 640 almost exclusively. I carry it in a SmartCarry, or in jeans with a pocket holster or sometimes in a Don Hume IWB holster. Sometimes when I want a little more than a J frame I will carry my Speed-Six. Recently I bought a Colt Detective Special and I suspect that the Colt will replace the 640 in the SmartCarry at least part of the time.

In my opinion everyone who carries a concealed weapon should own a 640 or a 642. Even if you usually choose to carry a larger gun most of the time, the little J frames are best for when you need something a little smaller.



New member
carried for alot of years and tried alot of guns, have found that for my size that my Glock 19 or 23 seem to be a good size, weight and reliablity to suit my needs.


New member
CC luck

Started out with a .38 snub. Several pistols and alot of ammo later I realized that little snubnosed may not be as accurate as one of my semiautos but it does its job. Comfortable to carry and always a good solid choice for concealed carry and reliability. It will always have a place in my arsenal.


New member
Replaced a Makarov with a J frame .38 because I hated dropping the hammer, even with a decocker, on a live round.

Mechanics can fail.

As for aiming that snub? My Crimson Trace lasergrips just came in today, and WOW! I think I may go start a thread just so I can rave about 'em!

Of course, like mechanics, electronics can fail..


New member
I happen to be one of those that bought the "perfect" CCW gun (for me) the first time.

In 1989, I bought a 2nd generation Glock 19 for home proctection and I liked the size of the compact. (They didn't have too many smaller 9's then)
My brother was a LEO and he had a 17, but then bought a 19. I lusted after his till I could afford my own.
But I was totally into bullseye, so I hardly fired the glock 19 too much.
Back then I lived in a county were CCW was not allowed.

More recently, I took a CCW class. The LEO instructor, a friend of mine, said that if he had to recommend one gun, for everything, it would be a glock 19. I already had decided that the 19 would be my main carry gun.
I'm totally happy with it as such, and the only reason I would find another, (we are only allowed two on our permit) would be a smaller carry for summer and lighter clothes. The 19 packs fine in the fall and winter wardrobe. It will always be one of my choices. So I hit it on the head years before I even knew it.


New member
So far, I'm on my 3rd CCW, a Sig P228. I've tried the Kel-tec P3AT (hated it) and the PPK/s (wish I hadn't gotten rid of it). I like the Sig alot, but will soon be trading it out for my 1911 (when I can get my holster for it). I'll see how that goes. I am still looking for a gun to carry during the summer, considering a Mak, Bersa, Kahr, PPK/s (again), and the list goes on...maybe I'll just have to get one of each.:eek: :D


New member
Wish I could say I did. Bought a full size HK USP .40 for my first weapon. Got a permit to carry a couple of months ago and I'm now shopping for a HK P2000. Great gun, hard to conceal in warm weather!


New member
I have been carrying concealed for 40 years.

Started with a 4" S&W in 357 magnum. Great weapon and with the right carry rig choice it was no problem to carry concealed.

Today, 40 years later, I carry a S&W "snubby" (686P) and it is a terrific CCW choice for me.

In between I have carried a variety of guns (both autos and revos) and still come back to the "old friend" - a S&W revolver in 357.


New member
With me, it's always about the NEXT gun , the custom pistol I'm building in my mind or searching for . That's half the fun for me , and I admit , it's expensive , but it's my hobby and shooting has been very rewarding.

Over the years I've mostly narrowed it down to 1911s of all lengths and finishes. At the moment favored models are a Wilson Compact CQB and a Yost Custom Colt Lwt. Commander , both .45s . I also love my Yost BHP , especially in a Bulman or Alessi OWB rig and belt . H&K P7s are another favorite CCW piece , but in IWBs from the same makers. My little Kahr PM9 has it's place , especially in the summertime , and that's in a PCS pocket holster or an Alessi ankle holster. Let's not forget great revolvers , my first choice being a 2 1/2" S&W Model 19 .

Years ago , when it became obvious that guns would be an obsession , my Dad used to say, "Tom, what do you need another gun for ?" , and I would always answer , "Dad, NEED has nothing to do with it !" ;) ...Tom