When celebrating and firing into the air... don't use a MORTAR.


New member
"Korez is in the lawless region of Orakzai, where
tribes are powerful and the government has
little influence.
Weapons are freely available on the black
market there."
Who defines black market. Maybe the guns are purchased at a little mom and pop gun store on the corner. Maybe the guns were all legitamely purchased from any of the peace loving folks in the Middle East or Russia or China or N. Korea or .........


New member
Only in the Middle East...

Maybe, maybe not...

In the '30s, my mom's uncle blew half his arm off thinking that the stick of dynamite that he picked up was a dud at a wedding celebration(chivalry??)...

I guess that some of us here used to do some stupid things, too...

My mom then had to help her uncle wash and get his shirt on for years after this...

Stupid acts only take a second. The repurcussions last a lifetime.


New member
Hutch - your motioned is seconded.

Now, can we get Encyclopedia Britannica to put this guys mug up next to the definition of stupid? :D

Navy joe

New member
Speaking of Darwin, it reminds me of the drinking buddies somewhere over there that took turns doing shots and stomping on an antitank mine while in the local watering hole. Emphasis on the hole.