When are you an adult?

Jack 99

New member
I've always thought it was a little strange to have an arbitrary "you are now an adult day" on your 18th birthday. Some people I know, and work with, can't handle the responsibility of a checking account at 40. I've also known 14 yr olds who had taken over complete household responsibilities from thier parents, including paying the bills, making sure youngin's get to school on time, etc., whilst mom and dad drank themselves to death (literally).

Anyway, I understand for legal purposes the State has to have that arbitrary date. I think it ought to be universal and you should have EVERY right and responsibility though. Who is the gubmint to say you can vote and be drafted at 18, but not own a handgun or drink? If you're an adult, you're an adult. If we need to up that age to 21, then so be it but it should be a full and complete assumption of responsibility at one point or another. None of this half-adult, some rights and priveleges and not others stuff.


New member
Amen. I say eighteen. Handguns, Alcohol, bills, war, peace, and responsibility. Oh, and I want my son to be able to attend a movie at the child's rate until he's eighteen too. Not any of this 12 makes an adult admission stuff.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I would suggest that we make adulthood optional. One may opt to become an adult and be able to vote and also be responsible for own actions and sustinence. Anyone who is not responsible for own actions and survival gets kid's treatment.


New member
One becomes an adult when they act like one....


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member
I've been pondering this, considering that other older cultures have a "coming of age" ritual, where the child has been specifically prepared/taught/tested for that point. The kid learns, proves knowledge & skill, and is recognized in a ceremony as an adult.

Our culture unfortunately has no such goal-oriented process. Kids have a prolonged adolescence, with a few largely negative milestones scattered along. The only sense of becoming an adult is getting drunk and getting laid - rather empty and destructive goals. There's a few other narrow milestones, but they contradict: you can fight and die for your country at 16, but can't own a gun or even buy cigarettes - what's up with that? There is no point of bestowing deep positive responsibility. Heck, I'm 32 and still am not sure I'm an adult; I own property and a small armory but being a no-alcohol no-tobacco no-sex-before-marriage guy I don't even have the satisfaction of the standard immoral American pathetic rites of passage.

There should be a target age where a child is expected to prove adult knowledge and skills and character, and receive training for and recognition of passing appropriate tests. 18 seems about right as a target; making a comprehensive list of test points is an interesting problem. Passing that test and age should be rewarded with being labled as 100% adult, with all the rights and responsibilities and respect.