What's your idea of a "girl gun?"

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New member
watching "Mr & Mrs Smith" the other day, I laughed a the scene where Brad hands Angelina a small revolver and she looks at him and asks, "Wait, why do i get the 'girl' gun?"

Got me thinking, what would a "girl gun" be? Are all small revolvers "girl guns?" Are there any others?

So - what, in you opinion, would a "girl gun" look like? Besides, of course the ones with pink grips and the ones that say "Ladysmith" on the side...

Any ideas?


Active member
Let's see, of the girls I've dated who had their own guns:

Girl #1 - Taurus .357 revolver

Girl #2 - Custom Colt 1911 race gun for competition; and Colt .45 officer's model for carry. Pump 12 gauge shotgun for home defense.

Wife - Ruger Mark II

John D

New member
My "girl" loves her S&W model 10, loaded with wadcutters. Small grip, comfortable, reasonable recoil, and she's confident with the load/weapon combo.


New member
I've had very bad experiences training women with small weaker hands on snubbies with lighter frames, ie. airweights, etc... They are just too punishing even with non +p loadings. I always suggest high quality compact autos to start then if need be they can evolve to sub-compacts. Or, like previously suggested, wheelguns on medium frames like the model 10 are excellent too!


New member
first wife = GUNS! EEEWWWWW!
2nd wife = Glock .45 & Ruger SP101 .357
3rd wife = Beretta 21A .25ACP (truly a girl gun because you needn't rack the slide)


New member
My daughter (an adult) didn't like the wallop she got shooting standard 38's out of my aluminum-framed 638. She shot my CZ75 full power/full weight semi auto and loved it. So based on that, I'd say a girl gun is not necessarily what Hollywood thinks it is.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
A gun, that belongs to a "girl". Which, in my estimation would be illegal since "girl", at least to me, implies younger than adult.

"Women gun", you might ask. Well. hell, that's a gun that belongs to a women.

What a silly question.

What's your idea of a "man gun", or would it be "boy gun"? Is an LCP a "man gun" or does it have to be a S&W 500mag?:rolleyes:


New member
My wife an I have been together for 15 years now.
She is quite small (1.60 M tall, 46Kg) but seems to shoot well with all my guns (and hers).

Carry gun - Glock 33 (0.357 sig) or Whalter PPK (0.380)

IDPA and pin-shooting
Colt 1911 Series 70
S&W 586 (6" barrell
Browning Hi Power

Hunting - Remington 700 in 30-06

Funny enough, she does not enjoy shooting any of my 0.22's



PS - Thanks PeetzaKilla, your tips helped sort out the problems with the reloads for the 0.357 sig.
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New member
What's your idea of a "girl gun?"

Pink...anything pink.



New member
PSP said:
Pink...anything pink.

Now that's my idea of a proper self defense pistol for anyone. Hard for a prosecutor to make a pink pistol look demonic in the eyes of a jury, if it came to that. On the other hand, grips that say "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" probably will get you convicted, should it come to that.


New member
Whatever she can handle.

In my lady's case, a GP100 .357, CZ75D PCR 9mm, or SIG P220 .45acp are her preferred handguns.

I don't really see snubbies as "girl guns," per se, unless your definition of "girl gun" involves disproportionately high recoil in any given caliber.

But I do think that any guy who thinks in terms of "girl guns" must really have to compensate for something.

Pappy John

New member
For my wife it's a 4" tapered barrel S&W 10-7 that I bought for her and then later prettied up with a set of Ivorex grips.


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