Whats wrong with 22-250???


New member
I found two bags of 22-250 brass today at the local Wallytown...and the worker there said he was glad to get rid of it....said it has been there forever... does no one shoot this caliber?? Is there something wrong with the caliber?? Or is it just not as popular as some of the others?? At any rate...the brass was the most expensive they had...300 win mag was cheaper than this was.:confused:


New member
22-250 is a good round but just not as multi functional as say a .223, thats what I take out of it. I would own a 22-250 but being a cheap bastard I cant justify it.


New member
22-250 is a good round but just not as multi functional as say a .223, thats what I take out of it. I would own a 22-250 but being a cheap bastard I cant justify it.

Say what? The 22-250 is MORE versitle than the .223. Try an additional 50-100 yards of maximum point blank range. More effect at range on critters like yotes too. It also cost only a fration more to reload. "Quality" factory ammo is a dead heat cost wise between the 22-250 and the .223. What the heck is "multi functional" anyhow? They fill the EXACT same role in the shooting world only the 22-250 does it better. If a man is to only have one varmint rifle the 22-250 is tops.

Why there was brass sitting on the shelf is besides me. 22-250 is one of todays most popular rounds. But in my experience I've learned to take things said from people behind gun counters with a grain of salt. Most don't have a clue what they are talking about. Sounds like the case here.



New member
I've got to say that the 22-250 is one of my favorite all time favorite calibers. And I agree with KillKenny that it is more versatile than the .223. I probably shoot more .223 by a long shot, but that's just because of the availability of cheap .223 plinking rounds. When it comes down to good quality loads they're about even cost wise and the 22-250 is just all around better in my opinion.

I have no idea why the cost may have been so much more expensive than other rounds. Perhaps it was a different brand of brass? I don't know, but it should be available for pretty cheap if you look around.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
22-250 is an excellent round. I went with the 204ruger because it was cool and new and I'll never use it on anything bigger than a woodchuck. Plus, the lower recoil and very slightly flatter trajectory made the 204 a good choice for me, but it's pretty hard to go wrong with the 250 if you're hunting anything from whitetail deer on down.


New member
There's nothing "wrong" with .22-250. Most folks prefer .223 because ammo is cheaper and they're not shooting at long enough range to really need the benefit of the .22-250. The rule-of-thumb I've always heard is to go for .223 if your max distance is less than 300 yards and .22-250 if shooting over 300 yards.


New member
If they were chambering AR's in .22-250, I suspect it would outsell the .223. But let's be honest. How many rifles are out there chambered in .22-250 and how many are out there chambered in .223? Gotta be 15-1, maybe even 20-1.

And let's say you're a prospective varmint hunter. You already own, perhaps, an AR-format rifle or a Mini-14. Are you likely to go with a cartridge you know little about, may have difficulty locating cheap ammo for, and which offers, in many cases, only marginal improvement over a caliber you've been shooting for years? Probably not.

Mal H

vikingextreme93 said:
by multifunctional here in MN I can legally hunt whitetail with a .223 so that makes it for more valuable to me.
Really?! That's an odd law. They specifically state .223 but not other .224 chamberings?

Although, that's better than here in Virginia where you can't hunt deer with any .22 caliber cartridge, rimfire or centerfire. It must be larger than .224.


New member
15-1, I don't think so... Check this out... It's about 2.5:1...
I'm talking about rifles out there in folks closets, not in online catalogs. If you think that's still 2.5:1, well...I've got a few bridges in the desert I'll be happy to sell you.


New member
At any rate...the brass was the most expensive they had...300 win mag was cheaper than this was.

I suspect that's the reason. It might have been a pricey batch - higher end Nosler brass or something along those lines(?)

Nothing wrong with 22-250. In some shooting circles, like western states coyote hunters, I'd venture a guess the 22-250 is king.


New member
sorry, by multifunctional here in MN I can legally hunt whitetail with a .223 so that makes it for more valuable to me.

I'll guarantee that there is no state that let's hunters use the .223 on deer that doesn't allow the 22-250. None.



New member
When the prairie dog shots get stretched out to 500-600yds we fight over the 22-250's. Noticeable difference over the 223 and 204. The difference in wind drift is huge. 22-250 rules pdog towns.

The main reason 223 is more popular now is the explosion of AR fanatics the last few years. I'd bet the 223 is NOT more prevalent among bull barrel varmint guns.

The 223 is without a doubt a more efficient case using app. 2/3 the powder and giving up only around 300fps. That 300fps is a big deal though when the range stretches into 500yd territory IME.


New member
did I say you can only use a .223 for whitetail in MN...you guys just looking for a argument here:rolleyes: I prefer my 30.06 for deer hunting and have used my .303 as well as my .308. Perhaps I should have elaborated more...first off in central MN where I am at we have lots of trees so your more than likely taking shots less than 200 yards.. at anything I would be hunting..then take into account the ease and cost of getting my hands on rounds other than 22-250 not to mention the fact the shorter distances the 22-250 is relatively useless for this area IMO so in fact the .223 is more versatile for me and the uses available here. if I had money to through away then I would consider a 22-250. guess you have to be very specific with you people.