What's with the zombies?

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New member
Aside from learning about gun care, shooting, etc, I'm also learning a new uh...culture. :D

So, what's with gun people and zombies? Is this like the apocalypse but with the undead?

If the zombies come, can I come to your house? :D

ETA: nothing to do with zombies, but yeesh! I've gone from newbie to the board thinking I'm a senior member. I think I should be embarassed!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You shall now be banished:

1)You have insulted the zombie fearing people.

2)You used the "z" word in a thread. (The mods don't like that)

3)You created a thread outside the scope of TFLs purpose, specifically a TEOTWAWKI or SHTF. (The mods don't like that either)

Been nice knowing you....;):D


New member
Read your rules here.

Zombie posts get deleted fast here.

It's a generic term for a mass of uncontrolled people.

It has a certain humorous bent to it and that's why it has no place here.

TFL concerns the genuinely serious side of firearms usage.


New member
And it's a term used by the kids that grew up and/or still play "gun game" on the video screen instead of hunting or shooting at the range. "Z"s are the bad guys in those video games.


New member
Sorry. :(

I have read the forum rules. Didn't think this thread was out of line or I wouldn't have posted it.

I don't know that I can unpost it.

There is nothing in the rules specifically mentioning zombies.


New member
You'll never be able to entirely supress the generation that grew up with the original zombie movies. Its like the guy at the skynyrd concert screaming "free bird".

And then the rest of us get to sit back and watch the aftermath as the staff lay down the law :D


New member
Actually it is kind of a valid question. The rules specifically forbid it, but I expect that is in the "What gun for the Zombie Apocalypse" context, which this thread clearly isn't.

This is more of a "What is the fascination with..." question.

Frankly I expect the blame lies right here.
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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

I have read the forum rules. Didn't think this thread was out of line or I wouldn't have posted it.

Don't worry Kayla, we're just picking on you. (most of us)

It's the wrath of the Mods you need to worry about.

I feel a disturbance.... in the force.... a dark presence approaches.....

The only question..... will it be Darth Helms, Darth Meyers or Sith Lord Tuttle8..... or perhaps one of their eeeevil counterparts from the other fora....


New member
Most of us on here have been well-educated about the impending zombie invasion. As I've been telling you people for years, we must be prepared for the zombies. They devour flesh, remember?!? That means equipment, guns, and ammo. My sources indicate that a large amount of zombie chatter is being received at this time.

Be prepared! :eek:
We don't consider anything to be allowed that doesn't contribute to one of the main goals of TFL and that's to further responsible gunownership and bolstering the preservation of the 2nd Amendment. It has been decided Zombies don't fit this criteria.

I don't think you meant any harm, kayla. But now you can't claim innocence from here on out...:p
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