What's with the long trigger on CZs?


New member
Late last year, I shot a CZ P-01 at a show and absolutely loved it in every respect, except one. The double-action trigger position is so far forward that I could barely pull the trigger.

I like the DA/SA design with decocker only, but I need to be able to pull the trigger on the first shot.

So, why do they make the trigger so hard to pull in DA?

Also, do they make a shorter trigger, can I install it myself, and how much does it cost? I ask, because I really like this pistol otherwise.


New member
If you decock the P01, the hammer drops to half cock and is much easier to reach. Half cock is the way to carry the weapon


New member
That's it?

What the heck was I doing, then? I'm sure I decocked it and felt I could barely reach the trigger.

chris in va

New member
Ditto. It's carried at half cock. Now the trigger will be all the way forward even at half, but the pull will be extremely light until it takes up the hammer halfway.

If you have smallish hands, the P01 probably isn't for you. I have large hands and it fits pretty well.


New member
Yep...playin' with mine right now. The half cocked is the way to go. I have smallish hands myself, but have gotten used to the long DA first pull, mainly due to dry firing the heck out of it! Also, dry firing my KP345 has helped me get used to a long DA first pull. The thing that really amazes me about the P-01 is the accuracy.
Wondering is anyone has played around with different recoil strengths, to see what will reduce the recoil/flip??


New member
Often folks think they have gone to half cock, because they pushed the decocking lever as far as it would go, with insufficient force. If you pushed the decocker and the hammer didn't drop to half cock (looks like it is firing ), you did not achieve half cock nor decocking. Often it takes a surprising amount of force to move the lever enough, especially to someone not used to decocking.

if you push the


New member
Often folks think they have gone to half cock, because they pushed the decocking lever as far as it would go, with insufficient force. If you pushed the decocker and the hammer didn't drop to half cock (looks like it is firing ), you did not achieve half cock nor decocking. Often it takes a surprising amount of force to move the lever enough, especially to someone not used to decocking.

If this were the case the pistol would still be in single action and he would not have a problem.

The double-action trigger position is so far forward that I could barely pull the trigger.

Also, do they make a shorter trigger

I think most of the posts have missed the point of the original question, the problem is not the weight of the pull or whether the pistol is at half-cock or not, the problem is the long trigger reach not allowing him enough leverage for short fingers.

Unfortunately the P01 features a "shorter" trigger than the standard 75B and I am aware of no after market solutions other than the suggestion of having the Single Action capable safety installed and using Cocked and Locked, but you stated you liked DA/SA otherwise so this may not be a viable option.


I do not find the length of pull on the CZ P01 to be long. I find it to be nice short IMHO compared to say a Sig.

Are you referring to the stiffness or weight of the trigger pull? If that is the case my bet is that the P01 you were firing was new or fairly new. CZ triggers are very stiff right out of the box.

I dry fire new cz 500 to 1000 time with snap caps and they smooth out nicely. My guess is that is all the CZ needed.


New member
It's just the reach on the first pull. The trigger seemed farther away than it does on my decocked Sig or double-action revolvers. Heavy doesn't bother me if the reach is comfortable.

Anyway, I'll take another look at this model when I get the chance. It might not be as bad as I remembered. A very comfortable gun.


New member
The CZ guns have always had triggers positioned very far forward.
In most cases, there's been no good reason for this, but CZ has been resistant and late in changing trigger shape to correct this.

The European American Armory (EAA) Witness line of "clones" have been more innovative with features, and the EAA guns have simply reshaped the trigger to put it much farther to the rear.
EAA pioneered features like better shaped triggers, rounded hammers, and ambidextrous safeties.

CZ finally got the message, and on some newer models the triggers have also been reshaped and moved to the rear.
Some of these newer design triggers can be retro-fitted to older models which still have the older design triggers.
In some cases, EAA triggers can be installed in CZ guns.

CZ triggers can also be modified to place them farther to the rear, so there's no need to live with a long trigger reach these days.


New member
Jeez, a lot of you guys must have Little Girl Hands.

The CZ-75B feels no different than a Beretta 92, at least for me.

my CZ-75B works fine for me:



New member
The new trigger

"girly hands" ha ha
No problems here witht the trigger reach.

THe new trigger I cannot stand. It is sharply curved and bites my finger.


Jeez, a lot of you guys must have Little Girl Hands.

The CZ-75B feels no different than a Beretta 92, at least for me.

my CZ-75B works fine for me:


Not to critize but it looks like you have way too much finger in that trigger. Resting the trigger in the first notch of your finger will cause the knuckle of your hand to come into play and you might find yourself shooting low at 7 oclock.

But what do I know I have girly hands. :D


New member

Oh, that's fine. Feel to offer a criticism. I've heard that about the trigger finger, but my fingers are too long to shoot with the finger pad on the trigger. I have to use the first knuckle.

It's a handicap with my long fingers, but I make do. :) though sometimes I do shoot low at 7 O'clock.


Eric M.

New member
This is a great post, and a good video waynedm.
I have small hands and have the same problem.
Learned something new, and I will go half cocked from now on.

I saw some things on the video that I will try at the range, when the temps. get above zero next week.



New member
I can only say that I honestly think the actual CZs trigger travel is longer than most other similar full sized or compact model guns. While it causes me no difficulty in using it, the S/A travel 'seems like' almost an inch of empty travel (or as they call it "take up"). After shooting dozens of different double and single action guns, this just feels different. It's like my hand/finger is used to a certain 'memory/feel', and this longer travel messes with that a little. I'm sure if I ever needed it in a SHTF situation, the hand and finger will have no problem with it.. :D