What's Up With "HUNTER"


New member
Hi Everyone
Just something to talk about. I was watching HUNTER the other day and I noticed that when he is at his desk that he puts his piece in the desk drawer. He walks around the precinct like that too. All the other "cops" have their guns secured in their holsters. Just something that I thought was funny.
If it jumped off and HUNTER was say in the can what would he do? LOL

Steve :D


New member
There are several guys in our Detective Bureau who do the same thing. I guess they never saw the first Terminator movie (not that a gun would have helped!).


New member
Many cops either by choice or under orders remove their guns to prevent a suspect from grabbing an officers pistol.

As an interesting take on this, watch the old movie channels for an excellent movie about a day in a NYPD detective squad room.

1951's "Detective Story" starring Kirk Douglas.