whats up with all the fuds??


New member
i want to know what the hell is up with all the people here that look down on "tacticool". its not like they are modifying your weapon so why do you have a beef with what people want to do with their stuff????

here is a hint that makes us firearms owners look better, if you dont like it then you dont have to post a reply now do ya??? just shutup with the negative comments!!!! when gun owners get on other gun owners cases about the stuff they have on their gun it just makes the anti-gun crowds job alot easier.....divided we stand, divided (and easier) we fall.......

The Tourist

I think what you're running into is simply a case of "been there, done that, invented half of it." It's a common occurance at my age.

And it comes from failure.

For example, in my little burg we are seeing more and more ricer cars. The kids have limited incomes and stick all of their money into engine improvements. With my money I enhance steering and suspension on my bikes as much as I improve the motor. There's a reason.

As a younger man I built a big motor, and then tried to stop the bike with a stock single-leading shoe front brake. Burned up both the front and rear brakes one afternoon trying to get the thing stopped--with a young girl on the back. I could have killed us both.

Flash forward thirty years. I'm waiting at a light when a ricer car turns left in front of me so fast that the right front wheel rim almost dug into the tarmac. The car had four young teenagers in it, all of them laughing--none of them realizing they came withing an inch of flipping the car, resulting in serious injuries.

I knew it because I had failed.

I'm sure it all sounds like preaching. Trust me, I know the sound of that tone from my Dad. Most times it's just a word of caution because we have a history of seeing misfortune.

I don't buy "tacticool" stuff. I don't even care much anymore if my stuff matches in color, at all. I do know that the first 300 dollars I spent updating my AR went into a Shilen barrel that you might not even see. I also bought a better trigger and a free-floating hand-guard. All of these things are quite boring.

I hope this explains some of the opinions you have been hearing. Be comforted by the fact that it's not a condemnation of your decisions, it's simply a recognition of events.


New member
I am not one who prescribes to the doctrine that we shouldn’t say anything negative about firearms for fear of giving the antis something to use. In this case I think it actually works in reverse to have other gun owners make fun of the monstrosities works against the antis. Posting pictures of these things if anything gives them fodder. I’m with Tourist in analogy of cars, these things are all show and no go.


New member
let them teach themselves....

i have broken my left wrist twice, when carrying a 8-9 pound gun all day it cause a large amount of pain in my wrist, so are you saying my pistol gripped shotgun is a failure?? no it is not, i can carry that thing all day and my wrist doesnt hurt....so that means it is a success in my book......

hey tourist, you taught yourself through expirience didnt you? how about you let other people learn themselves, if you teach somebody everything then you aren't giving natural selection a chance to work its course......yes the car analogy works great, thats why my ranger and explorer have 4 wheel discs, crossover steering, urathane bushings all the way around and the ranger is getting a turbo soon.....btw im 22, it doesnt take a lifetime to learn...


New member
Folks look down on the tacticool crud for several reasons...

1. The notion that one MUST have x, y, or z to defend one's self, home or property. When you factor in the fact that you don't need 80% of what some folks are reccomending someone has to express that fact otherwise folks who come here looking for advise leave thinking that they musk go drop several more 100's of dollars or else risk their life. Frequently this money gets one little more than more weight on their gun and would have been better spent on training and ammo at some place like gunsight, thunder ranch or whatever.

2. Much of the worst of the tacticool stuff is poor quality, or is an execution / assemblage of quality parts into a poorly concived / executed assemblage. Look at the quality of some of the stuff people are buying.... there is a word that seperates quality stuff like sure fire from the generic fit junk of tapco and others. When you see some assemblage of mutiple tapco accessories, or an AR that has EVERY possible bolt on added to it what are we supposed to say? Great 11 pound rifle ya have there?

3. Are we supposed to walk around defending the notion that there is practical use for 99.9% of the population to have a breaching stand off on their shotgun? Do I support your right to have one, heck yes, do I see a need for one or would I own one... no. I will stand by your right to own one but don't try and convince me that you need it, if you did you would work for an agency that would have already bought you 2.

4. Frankly tactical, and acessories has in some circles replaced skill at arms. I honestly always have to laugh when I see folks who are well into 4 digits on weapons yet can not use them

5. Lastly most folks who own weapons for self defense make that decesion based on rationality, not based one how a gun looks, the need to acessorize or what they saw in some movie or video game. When tacticool gets presented in this light what do you expect folks to say?


New member
in my opinion most people go too far on tactical, as in they should have stopped at the front pistol grip, light and tube extension.......maybe an elastic thingy that holds 5 shells on the buttstock but in my opinion thats about all you need......and the tube extension is just for fun at the range anyways:D


New member
Predator, You're thinking along my lines as well.... too much is often the problem and I related in the other post, the more crap you put on a gun, the more crap there is to lug around and the more crap there is to get hung-up on stuff. Also from the other post, I called the vendor this morning that was next me at the gunshow, it was an H-K Fabarm and with everything on it and with a full load of 2.75" OOB ammo it tips the scale at 27.4 pounds! Just my opinion but if I'm grabbing a 28# gun, it dang well better be belt-fed and not have a bunch of junk to get in the way.

I don't look down on tacticool guns, I do agree with RsqVet in that alot of the attachments and/or work done to them is/are not of the quality one would consider acceptable or reliable. Just because there isn't much of it that impresses me doesn't mean that it doesn't make someone else happy and that's what it's all about. You have the option to buy what makes you happy and you need to please yourself and not worry about what someone else thinks. If you ask my opinion, I'll gladly give it based on the quality of the product and it's usefulness or lack thereof based on my experience but remember, it's my "opinion" not an "order".

As I said before, personally, I am happy to see the wide selection of tacticool, tactical and sporting equipment and options out there, it's a constant spur to the entire industry and they provide not only options but also inspiration....the true American thing! :D

BTW, how boring would it be if you went to the gunshow and 300 vendors all had the same exact limited selection to choose from?

The Tourist

predator86 said:
hey tourist, you taught yourself through expirience...giving natural selection a chance to work

It's a nice theory, and a valid debating point.

However, it's only because I knew how to downshift, pump my rear brake and steer through hazards that the young innocent woman wasn't killed by my foolishness.

Do you think the owner of the ricer car I saw even considered spending a thousand bucks on Brembo brakes and decent shock absorbers?

He/She missed killing four kids by less than an inch.

Is that how we should look at this debate? A burning WRX that flipped four times and four dead people--accompanied by our simple shrug?


New member
All of mine shoot fine right out of the box, The only thing I have changed is the sights on a couple of them... :D


New member
I don't consider myself a fud, but I look down on the plethora of cheap add-on's the same way I would laugh at JC Whitney accesories. Seeing somone at the range with a top-folding 12 guage covered in shell holders is akin to that kid pulling up next to you in his '84 Tercell "hot rod." It's just tacky, cheap looking, an not needed.


New member
i want to know what the hell is up with all the people here that look down on "tacticool".
I think a lot of folks are affronted (that's a big word that means insulted or turned off) by younger folks treating guns like some sort of a toy or a substitute for being mature. Many of us older folks were raised to treat guns as something special, a tool to be respected and not abused. But hey, different strokes.
if you dont like it then you dont have to post a reply now do ya???
You post a pic and ask what people think, and they tell you. But just like you, many people seem to think that if they don't like what the replies say, then there is something wrong with the people replying. Some folks just say the first thing that pops into their head without thinking about how the reader will react to the comment.
just shutup with the negative comments!!!!
Now that is a negative (and somewhat immature) comment.
divided we stand, divided (and easier) we fall
Ummmmm, yeah, whatever you say. Perhaps it's time to put aside the rhetoric and start being a bit more in tune with others around us.


New member
A person who considers it stupid to install a bayoneted on a handgun or the tool a rifle up with every gadget imaginable when the owner probably can't even properly shoot the rifle rifle is not a Fudd.

A Fudd is a "shooter" (typically they shoot a deer rifle once or twice a year, shoot trap or "duck hunt") who thinks such activities should be legally banned.

There is a very distinct difference.


New member
there's a difference between tacticool and practical. Raping a rifle or shotgun with the Tapco catalog is tacticool. Putting ten pounds of ****ty, made-in-china clones of military equipment on a weapon so it looks scary is tacticool. Putting quality, military/LE-grade accessories on a weapon such as Aimpoints and durable folding stocks designed to stand up to hard use, to increase its ergonomics and effectiveness, is not what we refer to as tacticool.


New member
I've never heard these terms used before. I'm just glad that folks have shotguns for self defense and sporting, and hope they take the time to learn how to become proficient with them. Tacticool doesn't offend me, as long as the shooter can hit what he's aiming at.:)


New member
All good and well. I bite my tongue a lot on both ends - I have looked into rails for rifles, but I think there's a lot of accessorizing junk that looks stupid, and I also think it's ridiculous to buy overprized fancy-grade firearms that are just begging to lose value if you take them afield. Practicality is my ultimate concern, regardless of how it looks.

But I think the point of this thread, and it's a good one, is a quote from Bambi:
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

In other words, Golden Rule. I don't see anything wrong with that, as much as I break it sometimes. It's a good ethos to strive for. If you genuinely know of problems that arose with something, put it out there, I'm sure no one will be angry you did. But I think what's going on, on both sides, is a frustration with unsupported conclusions. A Bambi quote coming from a guy who will kill anything that's legal and edible, how's that?


New member
Boy, now I'm confused. Are we splitting hairs for the sake of an argument or what? As far as any shotgun is concerned, utility, craftsmanship, whatever, people are influenced by many factors in their purchase, and learn from their buying and shooting experiences. I don't see anything to argue about.


New member
If you put a picatinny rail, laser, and a bi-pod on a single shot H&R Trapper, I will laugh.....grow some thicker skin......


New member
Ok I'll bite.

Take for instance this gem:


The gun itself and all the accessories put on it are of the highest quality. But as a whole it must be absolutely horrible to shoot and I would never put my life in the hands of this 870.

First, he shaves some weight off with the adjustable stock. Maybe the guy was not comfy with the wood stock, maybe that's why he did it. But this is not the answer, a shotgun must keep his balance.

Second, after removing weight on the back of the gun, he adds a lot of weight toward the front by adding the rail.

IMO the Uber tactical shotgun is the 870 Police with the wood stock & forend.
It's clean, it's simple. You use it the exact same way you do with every pump shotgun you go hunting with, it's still balanced, etc, etc...

Edit : typos...