What's their next target?


New member
I have the uncomfortable feeling that there is a part two planned for this terrorist attack. Probably the West coast since all of our resources on an the East coast right now.
For instance, if we attack Bin Laden with vengeance, he has a next target, probably worse than what we have seen. And attacking him will give him more of an excuse. Biological or nuclear weapons in the middle of a large metroplitan, for instance.
Anyone else get the feeling that what is to come in the next week MIGHT pale yesterday in comparision?
Two buildings down is nothing compared to a city wiped out.
From all the terrorist cells they are coming upon, and participants, and our open borders, there is no denying that "they" probably have many many many cells in our midst right now, and their armaments are already here, sitting in closets. Guarding the borders is useless, they are aready here, and they have the weapons, whatever they may be. My only question is, when will they use them? Next week?

I am NOT saying that the following is the way it should be, but it is possibly the way it will be: If this continues, every American is going to becomes very suspicious of any from middle eastern descent, no matter how long we have known them. These terrorist cells have infiltrated for many years and someone that has been here for 10 years may just be waiting for an order.

I always knew that serious terrorist attack was inevitable, but it is really striking home now. I am seriously believing that any day know I will wake up to hear that a major city has been wiped out by nuclear or biological weapons. What is next?