whats the worlds strongest handgun?


Questions like strongest, most powerful, largest, heaviest, most accuate handgun are pretty meaningless. You can always put a pistol grip on a rifle action and there's your answer.

Send me an elephant rifle and I'll make the world's most powerful pistol with a hack saw, spare wood and some glue.

Now, what did you really mean to ask.:)


New member
what hand gun was made, not conversion, not wanna be hand gun made in pops garage. just that, what hand gun was made, as a hand gun. i thought the question was rather straight forward? tell me what i left out ok. its a triva thing, i am just curious.

Russian Furry

New member
It is dificult to say, as calibers vary as well as the definition of "strongest" Did you men the one that can shoot the most powerfull load or the one that can withstatand most chamber pressure (they are not the same things).
It would probably be a revolver (freedom arms?) chambered for .454 Casul or .500 Landaugh. May be .50 Desert Eagle, if you are talking about semiatos. The strength of CZ-52 is mostly a myth. I own one of them, and beside roller block this gun is pretty usual. The frame does not look all that durable ither.

I don't know how to answer your question definitively, since there are too many variables.


New member
Several legitimate manufacturers making pistols that take the full power .50 BMG cartridge. Probably as intense as your gonna get.

Made as handguns, not conversions.



The Lone Eagle single shot uses a revovling breach action like on an artilery piece. It fires many heavy duty rifle rounds, like .30'06. You could probably chamber it for ANY rifle round.

If you're talking about a repeater, or auto, or something that fires a dedicated pistol bullet, or is concealable, or whatever, the answer changes.


New member
Hypothetically, a Desert Eagle with a .22 conversion unit. :D

If you blow THAT one up, you're having a bad day. :rolleyes:

Seriously, as the others said it's a meaningless question. Handguns are designed to be strong enough to withstand the pressures generated by the ammunition they fire. But pretty much any gun can blow up if something goes wrong. We often fail to appreciate the fact that when we fire a 9mm, the barrel is safely shielding us from 30,000 lb/square inch of pressure just two feet away from our face!


New member
Hmmm...In something you can actually hold, the T/C Encore is a VERY strong weapon. Even stronger than its predecessor the T/C Contender. SSK made some scary stuff for this pistol.

It depends on what criteria you use to determine what handguns qualify. If we keep it to weapons with at least 1000 in production, I think the T/C would win. Otherwise the pistols chambered for the .50 BMG round would win.

Good Shooting


New member
to those who thought it was a meaningless question please next time just avoid it. that seems most reasonable. like i have said i was curious. if you feel my curiousity meaningless, please just ignore it. to me it wasnt meaningless/stupid. i just wanted to throw out a question i was curious about. i new there was no right answer, just wanted to here some of the configs and calibers people would throw out at me.

thank for your time/.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
A stupid answer, but "The one that gets the job done when
you need it to".

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
If someone is searching for "truth" and meaning, read the philosophers. The internet is supposed to be informational and fun as well. That was not a meaningless question.

As to the TC, I shot 30-30 hot loads out of a 10" barrel. Surprisingly, the recoil was not that bad.

Keep up yer posting Wes. And don't take offense.

As a wise man once said, winning a battle on the internet is like winning the special olympics.