Whats the story with my friends Kel Tec?

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New member
Just came back from the range where a friend was shooting his Kel Tec P11 in 9mm for the first time. His gun had the worst POS trigger I have ever experienced on a production firearm bar none. The trigger stacks badly then releases and gets mushy before the sear breaks...horrible.

Personally IMHO, I prefer to trust my life to a pistol made by one of the name manufacturers, but I have heard good things about the kel tec and my friend seems to want to trust his life to it, so here's my questions.....

Has anyone here had a similar experience with the P11?

Would it be better to send the gun back to Kel Tec or have a pistolsmith do an action job on it?

The gun has a lot of great things going for it in size and weight, but if you can't hit anything it ain't worth a damn.

Thanks in advance for your help on this one.....


New member
Just go to www.ktog.org and www.goldenloki.com. Check out the Fluff & Buff sections.

The trigger just needs an overtravel stop, and the gun needs about 200 rounds to break it in. Shooting a new P-11 before cleaning and lubing it will get you off on the wrong foot with it.

I did my own trigger job, and now my P-11 is the sweetest shooting DAO I've EVER handled, much less owned.
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The Kel Tec is nothing more than a contemporary Saturday night special, they are inexpensive, ill designed guns meant for what I dunno.

Just look at the gun up close, inspect it and handle it. Your experience with the trigger is just an example of the quality of this fine product.

It’s flabbergasting to me the number of people who actually carry this thing, betting their life and there loved ones lives on it.

Save yourself the trouble, stay away from it and try to convince your friend to find another choice in arms.


New member
i dont agree with the saturday nite special remark in any way in my expirience thes are very good guns for the money and remarks like that is why so many states wont allow certain guns in there borders . just what would you say made a saturday nite special ? it could just as easily be said a glock is too but worse because of the light trigger pull you can blow your leg off , or berrettas are junk because a few had cracked slides ,ull pucky i say its remarks like that that hurt everyone especially those of us that like guns:confused:


New member
RE-READ Blackhawk's post about five times. My P-11 trigger is also as good as any small revolver or DA auto I've every had. Only the big revolvers are better.

Kel-tec also has the BEST customer relations and repair policy of any handgun manufacturer. They'll buy it back if you really think it is a POS and repair it for free or next to nothing if you butcher it up over your kitchen table. These policies are not written down anywhere, but they just are very nice people.

Are Kel-Tecs great guns? - No. They're just the best $200, small, light pocket guns you'll find. Have you ever looked at a P-32? No gun ever made compares in term of size, weight, power and low recoil. My God, the gun is a locked breach 7oz. pistol. Glock can only dream about making a gun like this.

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New member
The Kel Tec is nothing more than a contemporary Saturday night special, they are inexpensive, ill designed guns meant for what I dunno.

Do a little more research, and when you donno, cumon back.



By “dunno” I was politely saying that the gun was meant for thugs and street hoods, dopers and gang bangers… your average run-of-the-mill criminal who would look for a cheap, easy to conceal throwaway gun.

I was trying not to place all Kel Tec owners into this category, but since you asked…

The gun is just a cheap POS, it is and always will be a Saturday night special. The last time I saw one it was horrible looking, heck you could drive a truck thru the gap between the frame and slide.

Yea, real nice craftsmanship.


New member
I think until you put a couple hundred rounds thru one you're just talking out your rear.I'll agree the trigger's not great but the trigger's on my glocks are not great either,my P-11 is as accurate as my G-26 and just as reliable.Just because you don't like it does not make it a pos.


New member

Don't just dump the gun Paladin7, work it over with more rounds and you will be real surprised. I own 2 Hi-Points and I get the same crap from certain people till I go to the range and shoot side by side with the guys with the so called better guns. If it is what you like then go for it.


New member
i think your just ignorant of what a gun like this should be used for if you have no expirience or have ever owned one you have no idea what you are talking about!
you need to learn a little bit about guns before you run down one dont you think that would be prudent .


New member
Ga_Glock_Groupie: Given your call name and your response to the question, you might want to see the thread in General about cliques in the gun community. I'm pretty sure you belong to one.


New member
Umm...Ga_Glock_Groupie, define "Saturday Night Special".

Oh, and don't even think about bringing price into the equation, unless you think a baby Beretta is just a "cheap piece of junk" too.


New member
Wow, I didn't know Kel-tecs were so evil!

Think of all those LEOs out there carrying them as backups, didn't realize that they are all just a bunch of "thugs and street hoods, dopers and gang bangers… your average run-of-the-mill criminal who would look for a cheap, easy to conceal throwaway gun."

Maybe we should organize a recall? Or how about banning them outright?
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