What's the story on the Taurus 905???


New member
I have an itch to get a 9mm revolver. I have autoloaders up the ying-yang in that caliber and want something I can slip into the pocket to go to the local stop and rob and take to the desert for plink'in. I already have .38spl and .357mag snubs, so I'm not interested in those at this time!! What I am interested in is how these little fellas have stood up and what the quality is now that they have been out awhile.

I understand the stellar clips have been a sore point with owners. Have they gotten any better?? How about aftermarket clips???

Any info is greatly appreciated!!!


New member
Convenience markets have a habit of getting robbed during the time I am out and about. No, it is not a joke!!! There have also been a rash of them in my area!!

Do you have anything rational to say about the subject at hand??


New member
I love that guys quote. I'd stick with the 38 & 357. If you want to shoot for cheap reloading is what you need rather than a 9mm revolver. I know its not what you want to hear though. Good luck

Sir William

New member
The S&W folks made one, limited to non-existent sales. Ruger made one, limited to non-existent sales. IOWs, they have a past history of being sales failures. Taurus brought out and seems to have ceased production of the 905s. Distributors just don't have them. The Stellar clips weren't, the accuracy was pitiful and the actions felt like a physical workout. RIMZ could solve only one problem, accuracy, stiff actions and questionable quality of Taurus still need to be improved. The demand just isn't there.


New member
Now that we have the rob part cleared up.I have had a 905 had it about 6 months.Me I wish I had never bought it.The gun is made very well right up with S&W SS,the trigger on SA is ok but horrible on DA.Accuracy at 7 yards not to bad but goes away fast at 15 yards very poor accuracy.Also has a very nasty kick I had to change the grip was so small couldn't keep hold of the gun,kept flipping up and the hammer cutting my thumb. But I do enjoy shooting the gun at the range is fun to shoot to carry I don't think so also have been shooting it with out the clips :barf: So I went out an bought a KEL-TEC P-11 in 9MM and a P3AT in .380 very nice little guns just right for the summer to hid in a pocket. www.kel-tec.com


New member
I find it interesting that others have such a horribly negative opinion of the 9 mm revolver and Taurus' current version, the 905, for I have had exceptional results.

I am a snubby fan, and I have "one of everything snubby" it seems....44 mags; .45 acp; .357; .38, but I wanted one in 9 mm. I have plenty of autos in that caliber, buy ammo in large lots, and always have plenty available. So I bought one (then another) double action only Taurus 905, and I am very pleased with it (now, them). Great accuracy; easy to pocket carry (particularly with a Safariland pocket holster). And the action on both guns is smoother and lighter than any I have had on recent production Smiths.

I am not too terribly keen on the moon clips that come with the gun, though they seem to work ok, and I need to find a source of good moon clip product (RIMZ are not available for it, I do not believe).

Otherwise, it is a great gun and a great shooter (all for a price less than $250 per). Perhaps I am just luckier than some of the others of you, but I am very, very pleased with the guns.

905...good gun

I am with Boarhunter on this one. I've had a 905 since early spring and have fired at least 400 rounds of various ammo brands through it and all did just fine. At 7 yards, the range I believe this gun was truly intended for, it does great. My wife (it is really her gun) has no problems putting all 5 shots center mass at rapid fire. At 25 yards, I can sit with my wrist supported and put shots all day long on an 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper. In my opinion, not bad for a 2" snub.

To me, both the double and single actions of this gun are smooth.

As for the Stellar clips, perhaps they could be stronger, but I have not had any problems there, either. And my wife loads and unloads them with ease. And, she can reload the 905 quicker than I can reload my .38 special snub using a speedloader.

Bottom line is that ballistacally, mechanically, and in terms of accuracy this gun has been sound and dependable. I am comfortable enough with this gun that I send my wife off on her trips alone and with my children and rest well knowing that if the need arises, and she gets a bead on the perp, she and they will be protected.


New member
Russ, thank you for the constructive criticism.
I HAD a P3AT!!! It now sits in my WIFE'S purse!!
Therein lies my rub!! This will be the second gun my lovely wife has confiscated!!

Tim, I already have snubs in those calibers!!

Boarhunter, You sound like me!!

Southern, How much did you get to shoot YOUR 905 BEFORE it became "HERS" or did you buy it for her???? :D


New member
It's not that I dislike the gun I do like it.In fact I put about 40 rounds threw it today.I will say the more I shoot it the better I seem to get with it.Been trying different manufactures and seems so far to like the WWB best.I bought it to carry and just feel it is not the right gun for it. :)
unfortunately for her...


I bought it for her but did not think she would be possessive about it. She keeps up with it's whereabouts.

Honestly, I did not think I would like shooting it as much as I do. Did not have the nerve to back out on giving it to her and getting her something else.


New member
Have any of you tried to find additional moon clips for the 905? Although I have not owned my two 9 mm revolvers for any great length of time, I plan to shoot the heck out of them (as I tend to do with all my snubbies) and anticipate the need for additional (and, hopefully, more satisfactory) moon clips. What is available?



New member

I sent a letter to Taurus inquiring about the availability of additional moon clips for the 905. If I hear anything, I will pass the information along.



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