What's the purpose of this meat tenderizer thing?


New member
Pardon my ignorance....what the heck is the purpose of the serrated meat tenderizer on the end of the barrel? Is this a marketing gimick or something that serves a function?


B. Lahey

New member
I think it's there so you can jam the end of the barrel into a wood door and blow the hinges / locks out without the normal dangers of obstructing the barrel. The gas can go out those ports as the projectile contacts whatever the gun is shoved into.


New member
Yep, it's a stand-off for use on a SWAT door-buster gun.
The gun is loaded with a special compressed powdered load that shatters into dust as it blows locks or hinges off.

The stand-off's serrated muzzle prevents the barrel from sliding off, and the vents vent gas so the barrel won't bulge.

Since these look "Way Kewl" people have been adding them to standard guns, and manufacturers, eager to make a sale are installing them on factory guns.


New member
It certainly looks like something every Rambo should own. You always need to be prepared to blow a door off its hinges in a HD situation ya know. Bad guy breaks in you home and locks your bedroom door, you can't get a shot at him, so this gizmo will allow you to shoot the knob off and engage the BG, or the other option might be to just turn the knob.
I can see where these things could just get to be standard issue on Rem 870 pistol grip Rambo guns.


New member

I hate to tell you, but they already are....

Remington Desert Recon

I talked to a friend of mine about it...only practical civilian use we could think of was royally screwing up somebody's face if you ran out of shells...at least it'd make it easy for the cops to ID 'em :rolleyes:

That, and it be good for tearing up whatever case you put it in.


New member
Those make complete sense if you are a SWAT officer or military in a setting that could require you to breach a door. But, other than those two scenarios, the thing is nothing more than another thing for the shopping mall ninjas to add to their tacticool shotguns. I've seen some of these monstrosities that people make out of a good Remington 870 or Mossberg 500/835, and they are just scary. So much garbage attached to the guns, they are rendered nearly useless with all the added weight on the gun.


New member
"It's just tacticool nonsense for the civilian shooter. Totally useless."

Are ya all kidding me? Jumping out of a tree with that would be safer then deer hunting with a Bowie knife:D

Just kidding.(a knife dont weigh as much):p


New member
The Remington site states that the one pictured on the "Tactical Desert Recon" is to reduce muzzle jump and recoil.


New member
called a "breaching gun"..The gizmo on the end lets you hold the muzzle tight to a door without blocking the bore, so you can either blow-out the lock or the door butts (the hinges).:D


New member
Since I don't plan on doing home invasions anytime soon, I suppose I can skip this feature. But for the ATF, I would think it's a necessity. Would probably get a little boring if you couldn't blow the lock off of your neighbors door.