What's the problem with shooting in the rain?


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In the thread "I gots the good stuff!!" two members (arcticap & deerslayer303) express the hope that it doesn't rain Monday when they plan to go shooting. Then keybear asks the question, "Your (sic) going to shoot in the rain?" I followed that with "What's wrong with shooting in the rain?", and Beagle333 sent me a pm suggesting that might be a good thread topic, and I should start it since I'm the one that asked the question.

So, this thread was born.

What's wrong with shooting in the rain?

Well, at first glance there's the obvious problem that some of us are so sweet that we would just melt away like sugar crystals when rained upon. Not a good thing. So those of you who meet that criteria, stay inside.

But the rest of us should have no fear of shooting in the rain. Now I'm talking here about a gentle drizzle, not a 100 year downpour. There are some rain conditions in which no human should be attempting anything, much less shooting. But if you'd have no problem walking out to the mailbox, taking the dog for a walk or going on a short hike to the store, you should have no problem going shooting.

You do need to take are of your equipment, of course. My guns are waxed and oiled as a normal course of business when first obtained and cleaned, and they're maintained that way whenever necessary. That should be all the protection they need, especially since they'll get thoroughly cleaned, dried and oiled after the shooting session.

Part of your equipment needs to be a good leather possible bag with waterproof protection, or a good shooting box that keeps out moisture.

Loading: or rather charging; charging refers to inserting powder and ball. Loading refers to priming or capping, since technically the gun isn't loaded until it's primed or capped. Charging should be done under cover. Don't count on your big brimmed hat to cover the muzzle while you load, because that puts your nogging too close to the business end for comfort. Find a good tree or do it on the porch, or even inside.

Loading: this time I mean priming or capping. This can be done in the rain if you're reasonably dextrous, shielding the pan or nipple with one hand or your big brimmed hat while using the other to pour the primer or set the cap.

After loading: I use a cow's knee over the hammer (and frizzen if it's a flintlock) when carrying in the rain. A cow's knee is a fairly large piece of waterproofed leather loosely shaped like a cup with two short thongs to tie under the trigger guard; it fits over the hammer in the nipple or touch hole area and keeps that critical area dry. They're available at any good sutler.

So, what do you do? Stay dry inside and wish you could go shooting, or gather the gear and head out regardless?


New member
I specifically go to the range when it IS raining......

that way, I have the place to myself, and can train how I like to train (up close and personal...)

Many years of Infantry training led me to not mind training in poor conditions!


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I can go outside and shoot anytime I want to so I don't usually do it in the rain but hunting in it is a whole nuther story.


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When it is heavy mist/drizzle, I will shoot, but only my inline or my revolvers. Supposedly the breech system on the inline is waterproof, and the stock is synthetic. Once loaded, it could probably go for days in the humidity and be okay. With a good tight patch, everything is sealed, top and bottom.
And the revolvers get fired in a matter of minutes of exposure, so nothing gets to sit and soak. They are heading to the sink after a good shooting anyway, so I don't mind them getting wet. I wouldn't take the sidelocks out, because I am not sure of the possible water damage to the stocks, under the barrel and behind the locks and tang.
Loading powder in anything is done indoors and capped when I get outside. As far as reloading outdoors, I am leery of even high humidity with my powder. I don't know "how wet is too wet" to have it exposed.

Caps do not seem to be affected by light drizzle or heavy mist. I have not sat out for a while with my revolvers before firing them, but I have gotten the pistol quite wet before firing and they have always worked.
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New member
I have wondered how the flintlock shooters deal with this. Could you even sit under a shed or in an old barn and shoot for any extended period before your priming powder might be compromised? And if you were in a hunting situation, how long could you just be outside, even with your leather cover, before the humidity might wreck your shot at "the big one"?


New member
The shooting lanes are covered at the gun club, so shooting in a light rain is not a problem. I shoot for the enjoyment, so I hope for a nice sunny day. Would I go shoot in the rain? Sure, but I would probably not take the side locks. I guess what I'm trying to say is its just like riding my Harley, of course I would ride it in the rain, but I wouldn't enjoy it as much as a pretty sunny day! :cool:


New member
how long could you just be outside, even with your leather cover, before the humidity might wreck your shot at "the big one"?

Humidity isn't a problem, actual water is.

When it is heavy mist/drizzle, I will shoot, but only my inline or my revolvers

I'll bet my Hawken will shoot just as long if not longer than your inline.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Coach said rifle matches don't get called on wind or rain and if we wanted to be on his team we by damn well were going to practice in the rain. It paid off on 3 different occasions including the SW regional championships and at All Navy championships where us rain and wind shooters just kept shooting close to our regular scores and the shirt sleeve guys sort of fell apart. Only rifle match I ever saw called was because it was sleeting so hard it was taking our targets down. Hunters don't pick their weather when they go hunting and handgun hunters had better be able to put up with a little drizzle and know how to ignore wind if they are going to hunt. That is all I got to say about that. :)


New member
When it is heavy mist/drizzle, I will shoot, but only my inline or my revolvers. . . . . . I wouldn't take the sidelocks out, because I am not sure of the possible water damage to the stocks....

I wasn't questioning whether or not they would fire. ;)


New member
possible water damage to the stocks, under the barrel and behind the locks and tang.
Not a problem.

Remove the barrel, breech plug or tang, lock, trigger guard, nose cap, any wedge escutcheons and any ramrod ferrules. Apply 3 or 4 coats of a good oil finish (tung oil, linseed oil, etc.) to the inlet areas, being sure they dry completely between coats. Finish with a good coat of paste wax. Should last forever since exposure to the elements will be very limited.

Metal parts that mate with the inlet areas should also be waxed and/or oiled. That won't last indefinitely, however, so once every 6 months or so, depending on how much the gun is subjected to moisture, clean and rewax those areas.


New member
View shooting in the rain, bout the same way as riding my motorcycle.

If I'm shooting (or riding the bike) and it starts to rain...well, I keep shooting. If it's already a downpour, I don't set out to shoot nor set out on a bike ride.

I've hunted in many bp seasons with the Hawkins when it rained from start of season till end. Staying a week in a tent, seems most everything got at least damp. Keeping powder/primers in a sealed container as well as unloading rifle nightly, swabbing /plugging bore and nipple, misfires were non-existent. Also, while hunting keeping a small balloon or tape over end of bbl. helps out quit a bit with keeping bbl dry.
Some will argue clearing the bore nightly in heavy rain is not necessary.
I say, do what works for ya. ;)

Our shoots at the club were never called due to rain. We were aloud to charge our rifles under the shelter house. Capped at line and shot. Never seemed to be an issue with most of the regulars. It just usually prolonged the length of time the shoot lasted. Mostly due to guys BS'ing under the shelter more then usual between shots.:rolleyes:


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[QUOTEFinish with a good coat of paste wax.][/QUOTE]

Could you ellaborate a little on this waxing procedure. You've got me interested.


New member
Fold up a cotton cloth into about a 1 1/2" square and dampen it with water. Use it to scoop out a layer of paste wax from the can and apply it directly to the wood rub it around to ensure that all surfaces are coated - thickness doesn't really matter but the thicker you leave it the longer it will take to dry. Allow the wax to thoroughly dry then rub all surfaces with a clean dry cloth. Buffing isn't necessary; all you need to do is remove excess dried wax.

Since the inlet surfaces will be a bit rough you need to be fairly careful to be sure the wax covers all exposed areas. You're trying to apply a layer of moisture protection, so don't be concerned with how it looks, just be sure to leave no holes in the layer.

That help?
I have shot my Ruger Old Army in the rain. Reloaded several times and kept firing. Down on the firing line was a fellow with a Colt AR-15, the older triangular hand guard model. He had numerous jams. :p


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Don't forget to apply a good oil finish and let it dry first. That's more important than the wax. The oil provides the seal; the wax protects the oil.


New member
The first obvious option, is visibility. Any rain falling can reduce your visibility considerably. Which can be good and bad on the range. The good is if it's light enough to see the target and you still group well or close to what you normally hit, then you're getting better. The downside, aside from having to take extra precaution is being uncomfortable in the weather. Personally, I like the rain, like the infantry individual, the army is like the posty office. "Neither rain nor snow, nor sleet nor dark of night shall stay..." But some could find it unpleasant.


New member
I recall hearing that during the black powder era, sometimes when it rained the opposing sides would agree to a truce or temporary cease fire until the weather improved.
I think that it was a fairly common practice.
I guess that the opposing officers either believed and/or were taught that waiting for better weather was the right thing to do.
Maybe both sides figured that since they were going into a life or death battle that it would be better for everyone if the men and their equipment could perform at their best.
Simply try to stay warm and keep their clothes and powder as dry as possible.
What's the problem with waiting for better weather? :rolleyes:
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