Whats the metal(Winchester silver cases)


New member
A friend asked me a question the other day that I had no answer for. What metal is the winchester silver case made of. And is it reloadable?Any help is greatly appreciated in that I'm a new reloader anyway.


New member
Nickel brass. Very reloadable. It doesn't tarnish like regular brass and cleans up way faster. I get all I can get my hands on. Around here the law enforcement uses only Winchester ammo. I just went behind them on a local outdoor range after their yearly qualifying and picked up alot. I'll be saving the regular brass for rainy days.


New member
I prefer the nickled brass, it seems to feed alot smoother. The case life is shortened just a little bit by the plating process, but I have reloaded some atleast 8 times before the neck split.


New member
It is nickel plated onto the case. It's reloadable but the cases don't last for as many reloadings in my experience. Some people have them last almost as long as brass, such as cornbush, so there is some conflicting information. It might depend on the loads, caliber, etc.

If it's on the ground at the range I pick it up and reload it. Some people will pay extra for nickel plated brass, people like myself will pay less for it or even refuse to buy nickel brass because of the supposed case life issue.

The only reason I would use nickel cases is if I got them for free. (Range pickup.)


New member
I'll clarify a little bit, I am using nickled cases in a 270 win, slightly more than neck sized. If they are full length sized every time they are good for 3 or 4 loadings tops on average.


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Another nice thing about nickle brass is they do well in leather cartridge belt loops. :)

Regular brass will get that green verdigris in a short time if left in leather loops. :barf:


New member
ive reloaded nickel brass with my 300wsm and it has lasted longer than any of my other cases. reloaded about 9 -10 times still no problems


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Nickle v. Nickel

Actually, both are legitimate alternatives to describe the metal or the coin:


Main Entry: nick·el
Variant(s): also nick·le \ˈni-kəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from Swedish nickel, from German Kupfernickel niccolite (mineral containing nickel arsenide) probably from Kupfer copper + Nickel goblin; from the deceptive copper color of niccolite
Date: 1755
1: a silver-white hard malleable ductile metallic element capable of a high polish and resistant to corrosion that is used chiefly in alloys and as a catalyst — see element table
2 a (1): the United States 5-cent piece regularly containing 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper (2): the Canadian 5-cent piece b: five cents
3slang : a packet containing five dollars worth of an illicit drug (as marijuana) —called also nickel bag
4: a pass defense in football that employs five defensive backs


New member
The best thing about it is that you can load it into your 45 Colt stainless steel revolver and if you kind of polish your lead bullets, it will look just like The Lone Ranger! :D

I used to buy those premium cartridges by Winchester for my 7 mm mag that had the nickel cases and the moly coated bullet that was black in appearance. That was when they first came out. They caused a sensation with my hunting partners because they were so "different" looking. We all figured they must be a whole lot better because they also cost a lot more. Other than looking cool, I don't think they chambered any smoother though.


New member
Mausermolt: With those 300 WSM cases, do you FL resize or just neck size?

I've just started reloading and have about 150 of these nickel cases for my 300 WSM.


New member
They look really good in a collection too.:D So do those black-nickel cases (Hornady TAP?)

Doodlebugger- I think you're thinking of the Winchester Supreme?
Silver case, Moly Bullet, Silver Ballistic Tip?