What's the latest on Kel-Tec P3AT vs. Ruger 380?


New member
I've owned a 2nd generation Kel-Tec 380 for a few years. My wife owns one of the first generation P3ATs. When the first Ruger 380's that were made in that same small size came out, everybody was talking about how they would be superior to Kel Tec's P3AT. In cosmetics, they certainly looked better, but I wasn't so sure they would BE better and decided to wait until the Ruger gun had a track record to compare to the P3AT before deciding whether to switch. For a while, comparisons of these little guns was a big topic of interest on gun forums, but I haven't seen any comparasions for a while now and would like to know how Ruger's 380 is actually performing for those who purchased one.


New member
My LCP is great, have had it for a couple years now. No problems what so ever. Personally I don't think they are mechanically any better than the Keltec though. The Keltec will do anything the Ruger will do.

michael t

New member
Keep your 2nd gen KT :D from what I have read on Ruger forums they have learned the fluff and buff and fixing of what was once older KelTec problems . But their pretty. :rolleyes: and only had how many recalls on gun and mags.

Now we will here all the praising for the Ruger owners.


New member
My P3AT was absolute junk, could barely go a mag without a malf.

My LCP was excellent, a buddy talked me out of it a couple of months ago, my mistake. Somewhat heavy trigger, but still the choice in a pocket .380, obviously much better workmanship. May get another though I may go upscale and get a Kahr PM9.


New member
I just got an LCP about a month ago....About 450 rounds and NO malfunctions of any type. Eats Winchester white box, Remington UMC, and has over 75 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense JHP thru it as well....

Only complaint I have is how much .380 plinking ammo is!


New member
I have a couple of P3ATs.

Never a hiccup, nor a problem.

Not the most accurate target guns I've fired, but easy to carry and have been 100% reliable so far.




New member
Do the Rugers have a hold open?

No. I am not bothered by that, given that (God forbid) if I ever have to use it, it'll probably be from within 5 yards - the sights are next to useless, so it's a point and click operation. If seven rounds don't do the job, then I have a much bigger problem than no hold open.

Your mileage may vary, of course. If a last round hold open is critical to you, then the LCP isn't your gun.

FWIW, I sort of liken it to a revolver. If you don't count your shots with a wheelgun, at some point, it's going to go "click".


New member
I have been considering an LCP for awhile now and I have been reading the threads about them on a few forums. I have not read much about the Kel-Tec. One common thing in all of the discussion of the LCP is the excellent customer service people have received from Ruger during the roll out of this weapon.

How is Kel-Tec in regards to this?


New member
The cynics will tell you that Ruger customer service is good because they get so much practice. I have thought several times, since they hit the market about getting an LCP but as others above have noted, my P3AT has been flawless so an LCP has nothing to improve upon. On a side note, in addition to the LCP, there have recently appeared several guns that appear to be blatant copies on the KelTec. The lawyers must be loving it.

Dave R

New member
The P-3AT does NOT lock back on an empty mag.

Does the Ruger? I'm curious. If it does, that would be another reason to prefer it.

David the Gnome

New member
My P3AT couldn't make it through a single mag without malfunctioning. I got tired of trying to fix it and returned it. My LCP, on the other hand, has been flawless and I carry it more than any other gun I own. That is just my personal experience, take it for what it's worth.

The LCP does not hold open on the last round but it does have a slide stop for the purposes of locking the slide back.


New member
My LCP has been my daily carry, even when I carry a larger firearm.

Mine is one of the original pre-recall, and has been carried in a under-the-shirt holster every day. At the range, this little shooter has never failed to go bang, and still looks like I just bought it.

Mine still looks like it did in this year and a half old pic:


New member
It seems that both pistols are reliable and accurate, with no obective reasons for choosing one over the other. So choosing between them becomes a matter of subjective choice.

Before I purchased my LCP I was told by gunshop people in several shops, that they had experienced difficulties and dissatisfaction with the Kel-Tecs. They had them on the shelf and still recommended the Ruger when it had a three month waiting list. So I waited. But in my opinion, if sufficient people, as they do here, recommend the Kel-Tec, it must be a reliable firearm.

Big Bill

New member
I bought an LCP when they first came out and didn't like it at all. It didn't fit my hand very well; and, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it, probably due to that looooooong and horrible trigger pull. But, my wife liked it, it fit her well, and so she's carrying it now. I went back to my Rossi 2" 38/357 snubbie.